
It seems like the iPhone is the standard by which to compare new smartphones. And despite some problems the iPhone is really good and can be had for $100 3GS, $200 4. I think that explains why the more "serious" iphone competitors are not on ATT and why the niche, blue ocean, type devices find their way like this.

@ridin8ude: only instead of throwing seeds to lure them in they throw iPhone 5 pamphlets

@retrac: Step 3 is always "Profit"

Quantum theory changes a lot of commonly held beliefs that people have about science in general. First off, people like to think of science as facts, and logic. Where some things are true and others are false. Which is not the case. Quantum theory proves things like Newtonian physics aren't "true". But they are

I only now brought myself to click on this story because the artwork is nausiating, and grotesque. Can you ask Sam Spratt to tone it down a little bit and make the site a little less repulsive. I mean its talent work to make people feel like that through the artwork, its just... yeah.

I am assuming they are talking 55% efficiency including the thermal energy not the conversion from thermal to electric which would require making steam. Using the thermal number as "energy" would make the efficiency seem much higher.

@ZachMatthews: Hey interesting take on the movie. I just saw it last night so I am late to the discussion.

I was a big fan of bumptop 3D when I saw it on Giz a while back [gizmodo.com]

There is no way they'll be able to build enough of these to meet demand. Everyone bought a Wii because they just had to "try it" you know? 3D games without glasses... everyone will want one out of sheer curiosity at the very least.

@Ben Jordan: The fact that the first thing you thought of to type on was a "Sony keypad" just made someone at Sony Marketing really really happy today.

For the good of the world I hope they get it! If they pioneer this technology it could find its way into other sports too. Imagine a personal level having a mini stadium on your coffee table that had a real time hologram of a real NFL game or swimming race or something. WIN

Can you sing into the back of it and have it change your voice all funny like a normal fan? If not you might want to add that to the negatives.

Yeah but can you imagine how bad the tech support would be on this thing?

Maybe it was the "commenters we need to talk" post but i am shocked to not see a single sharks-with-lasers reference.

For those of you looking for a more useful unit of measure.... that it is as long as the thickness of 17,920 iphones!

@Vanilla-Terror: I'm glad to see that you feel so strongly about this. Giz has a much bigger voice than me though, maybe write to them to see if they have any influence.

I know this is a little far fetched but given how crazy many iPhone owners are and how grateful they are to have the device, perhaps it would do well if you could donate back 25, 50 cents or a dollar to the person that made your phone? Like how they ask you at the theater if you want to donate a dollar to help kids

It will be facinating to see the reception of the glasses-less 3DS. If it does well, I think technology like microsoft has for home, no glasses 3D TVs might have its place. Avatar showed everyone that 3D can be cool and fun to watch. Maybe the 3DS can show that 3D can be practical and comfortable to experience if

@klyph: There it is! lol, thank you!