
Nice, north america kind of has a receding hairline of forest, while africa is thick and bushy pubes in the middle like.... well and i guess australia would be like a landing strip or something. haha, maybe there is a joke in here somewhere?

@Greg Krynen: Where to begin... would stop generating thumbnails for pictures, then would stop displaying pictures when you clicked on them, then would sporadically become disconnected and need to be unplugged/replugged in, to my most recent where it flat out says "no drive connected" despite being able to plug in the

@A Pimp Named DaveR: How did you format your hard drive? Fat32, NTFS etc? And what kind of OS did you do it with? OSX, XP, 7, linux? Thanks

I bought one of these about a 1 and 1/2 years ago... the normal not the business one. Of that time it was worked for maybe 2 months collectively. They have sent me 2 replacements, none of them work for more than a couple days. I mean when they work, its great. It has a cool preview window for your pictures and

FALSE! The cutting force is when you squeeze the handles together. If the handles are repelling each other it means you would have to squeeze harder but they would come apart more easily, like if they had a spring (like some sewing type scissors). So to say that they provide 90% of the cutting force is dumb, wrong,

I suspect that all the claims that Apple is secretly fixing new iPhones already is true as people have been writing in. However, they can't ever say that until September so there aren't millions of people lining up again to return and swap out their iphone for a more recently manufactured one.

@pcon: well done sir!

Edit, sorry tip tag didn't post properly. Please delete

Does this mean we can now sue the RIAA for protecting drug dealers?

I guess the difference is I can't actually hold a Windows Phone 7.... at least not until what holiday 2010?

@KingSnakeX4: Good point. There was a furniture store is Boston that would always say if you bought something there and the Red Sox won the world series then it was free. I know some people that got free couches out of it... this is of course back when they first ended their loosing streak. But its done the same

I'd like to see if he was touching the "death spot" when it stopped working and he asked everyone to turn off their phones from "interference".

@Lite: an adventurer is me!: The requirement for next gen fighter was to be able to STOVL (short take off vertical landing) and go super sonic. You do realize that Boeing's plane could not do both of these. It required a physical change to accomplish these two tasks. LMCO's jet did it no problem. And the F35 shaft

Yeah ok! I've spent like over $5000 on a Bose 5.1 and all the speakers are barely the size of tennis balls! That and its all connected with Monster cable! Beat that! Win!

@Einbrecher: Thanks for the reply. On the your latter point though, they mostly are not getting R&D money for the drones. Manned fighers like the F35 are VERY rare contracts to win and Lockheed Martin is good at beating everyone. In response, the competitors build these areial drones as IRAD and then pressure the

I wanted to point out here, working in the defense industry I can tell you that no one in the US military EVER requested an unmanned airplane before the original drones and predator came out. Even still the demand for these from the military is small.

For the sake of humanity, I am so relieved that no one posted any fart apps as their fav or most used. Maybe we can put that ugly phase of the app store behind us.

@schall129: I'd rather tape than a bumper. I haven't bought an iphone yet because i'm picky about the size and pocket space. Its finally the form factor, speed, and storage for me to pull the trigger so i don't want a case bulking up the svelt design i've been waiting years for. lol, yes i'm well aware i'm making

@jaredthelobster: Thanks for the feeback and help. I think giz even wrote that the bumpers at the keynote seems out of place. Now we know why! I still wish someone would dig up photos of the keynote to see if Jobs was holding it by the lower left corner when he had interference problems and told everyone to turn

@Cú Chulainn (Xeraphim): Wow, thank you for the test and effort! I suspected scotch tape would be too thin. Maybe electrical tape in 2 spots would be promising though from your experiment.