Listen to Yourself

It’s a critique of maternity leave.

Have the dad stay home. Let mom earn the big bucks. Oh wait! That’s right- she doesn’t have a degree in STEM.

She put me in daycare. See the results??

Well, the analogy would be that I drop my heart off at a strip mall for strangers to watch for 8 hours while I work.

You know what's heartless? Not taking your birth control.

You can assume I’ve lived life. You act as though you’ve never seen an unexpected pregnancy, or that you’ve never seen someone,who clearly wasn’t prepared, throw caution to the wind and keep the kid.

Yes. I'm sure the mother is reading my comments. She a big fan.

Dumping your kid off in a daycare is less forgivable if it’s intensional.

I will go fuck myself. I may every get pregnant from fucking myself. And guess what?? Nine months later my wife will be able to stay home with the baby.


Yeah. It's like a shot up a Parisian bistro.

And you’re economy is shrinking, unemployment is up, and you’re in a recession.

You really think that’s the representative sample? Because in my experience, more women bring their unexpected pregnancies to term for emotional reasons. Same emotional reason they weren't properly regulating their cycle.

You're hopeless. You consider yourself the equal of an Ivy League educated professional, because I bet your IRA doesn't.

Men don’t give a shit about magazines. We’re rational enough to see they’re filled with advertising, so we leaf through them while you’re shopping and put them back.

You’re right. Let a stranger raise your kid. It’s not like you wanted to bond with it anyways. Maybe they can tell you all about her first steps when you get off of work one day.

I wouldn’t worry about it. They had a life insurance policy. That's what it's there for. To protect you and your loved ones in the event of a tragic, unforeseen circumstance.

Child birth is my right, no matter my economic situation. In fact, I should be paid for it, by everyone!

Women can have it all!

Nah. You should reproduce with no concern for your child’s welfare, like millions do everyday.