Rides Bicycles but Loves Cars

Have you checked the wheels? If they aren’t true, round and properly dished, you will chase your tail like a dog trying to get it right. Cantilever brakes are like a modern German car. When everything is within spec, their great. When something is off, they got to shit.

The same HP argument could be made for cars and pickup trucks. But most people are willing to buy the most powerful engine engine despite the base one being good enough for anything they will do.

Unfortunately, there are studies that may lead people to believe the flu shot can give them the flu.

After the beater I leave parked in the driveway was broken into with a slim jim or coat hanger, I decided to take everything of value out of it and leave the car unlocked. They only stole scratched sunglasses and a 10 year old OBDII bluetooth adapter. They left change, tools and a few other items that could be easily

I would be more worried about the person driving a car that they can barely afford.  I feel they would be more likely to steal to help cover the payments.

Car ownership bias in the auto industry...

Former western Mass resident here. All the old growth forests were cut down long before the turnpike was built. Historical accounts from people who lived in the area prior to the 1930's usually describe near treeless hillsides. The Civilian Conservation Corps did a lot of tree planting during the great depression.

Just wait until someone with a tape measure calculates that the frunk has more usable storage capacity than the baby beds trucks come with these days.

How often do you use an 8mm wrench? I use 8mm and 10mm so much, when I acquired a wrench with open 10mm on one end and open 8mm on the other, it instantly became my go to wrench for anything bicycle related. As a bonus, because it came as an assembly tool for a stationary bike, it’s half the thickness of a normal

King Air 350 is my dream plane if I ever hit the lottery big. Enough passenger capacity and range to haul friends/family around the country. Small enough that it would be hard finding a paved landing strip that was too short.

Two promotions ago, I thought I was in the financial situation to afford a pilot’s license and an airplane. Once I saw the costs involved (some of which you touched on), I had no chance of owning my own plane. Group ownership wasn’t appealing nor was an experimental/ultralight. A co-worker of mine has an ultralight

I prefer traditional security cameras. Better view of delivery man’s “smile”

Ditto on switching as soon as I can.

Dealership bastards lied to me! Now I want to go back in time and get my green manual SW1!

I owned a 2001 Saturn SL1  (because they stopped making the wagon). This sums up my ownership experience;

How many of these people were talking or texting on their phones?

There is nothing more expensive than a cheap British car...

Wife bought a Jeep from a high volume dealership advertising a lifetime guarantee on the engine. I stopped reading the fine print after it stated the vehicle must have oil changes done at the dealership where they will add a can of “magic snake oil” after each oil change. I did some rough math in my head... The snake

That makes sense. I believe the main reason they couldn’t raise the bridge was because the tracks on both sides would need to be regraded, impacting overpasses on nearby busier streets.