
Can you point out Rowling’s tweets or statements saying this? Seriously, I’ve been trying to find them to confirm but no luck so far.

They’re only employees, and some are even classified as contractors. The big money goes to the company, not to the talents.

I actually have a bit of problem trying to think up the “progressiveness” of Japan.

her fans will feel betrayed that she isn’t solely devoted to her role as a musician and entertainer

As long as Blizz doesn’t launch D4 from a place of absurd greed, like they did D3, I think we should expect a good game.

He’s good in WW84, even if the plot and writing was crap. He’s the only one who portrayed his character with actual acting.

It’s nothing new. If anything is new in this, it’s the longevity. Back in the NES/SNES days, you got platformer juggernaut that is the Mario franchise. But back then, they have what is now considered a short life span. You don’t play that game hours every day for years. So the other copycat games get to exist as the

Yea, I don’t get what they’re trying to accomplish. No developer will ever think “oh wow, this system is so awesome, if we only have it, we’ll have a financially successful game! Let’s pay them for the system!”. It’s a lot of work and lawyer money just so they could go “heh, now no one can copy our system!”. Sure,

Now imagine if the cop in Cop Out is named Notjohn NotMcClane and Willis was instructed to talk and behave like John McClane and they brought in the warddrobe designer in Die Hard and they were told to dress Willis like John McClane and they even brought the makeup artist of Die Hard and they were instructed to make

What effect do hedge funds have on you personally? Why do you care? Why do you think hedge funds have a negative effect on economy or business?”

“That’s the problem, how do you know who’s manipulating the stock at this point?” she said.

Of course it’s capitalists vs capitalists. No one is saying this is a blow to capitalists either. This is old established capitalists vs newer capitalists. You might say old hedge funds might be in with WSB but it’s still old wave vs new wave where the old wave was all about exclusive clubs and the plebs are not

And this is how we got celebrities and famous people saying stuff about things they barely understand.

If a cover band tried to do an arena show though, that’s when the record company would (rightfully) step in and say “Hey now...”

“Nah, I’ll do what everyone else is doing pre-pandemic: go to a bar and get shitfaced.”

They’re not even looking at potential profit. Everything is a pyramid scheme to investors. They’re just going to pump this up and someone would be left holding the bag. It’s all buzzwords and trends now. All emotions. No actual objective valuation based on actual work and results. The stock market has turned into an

Here’s what Rowling’s entire argument boils down to: “trans women are not women, they’re trans women”.

Shoeboxjeddy’s post looks a little better? Guest poster or is this the poster... actually trying?

According to some sources, your appearance actually factors into NPC interaction. So I think it’s more involved than just cosmetic changes since it would have affected gameplay and possibly storyline. Apparently NPCs you could romance also have preset preferences in your looks as well the choices you made in the game.

That is an unfair equivalence. The customer service at Amazon are not responsible for Bezos Amazon’s public image. That’s not their function. They’re not there to promote Amazon or Bezos. They’re providing an after sales service to customers. The army guys at Twitch’s ENTIRE function is to promote the army. They are