
In the wars with other countries that the US has been involved in, the war crimes against the US exceeded anything the US did.

Why is the art direction so ugly? It’s like they couldn’t commit to a cartoon style like BotW so they used the standard shader and now everything looks like store bought assets. Genshin Impact looks way better than this by riffing off BotW and went further into anime style territory.

In this election, look at the positions of the Lincoln Project vs. DSA or the Sunrise Movement: the former clearly and repeatedly makes it clear that Trump is a catastrophic threat and Biden is the only rational choice, while the latter two waffle and dither over making sure not to support Biden too much.

Nobody is telling them they should go RAH RAH BIDEN. The poster, and everyone else, is saying “take your chemo, it might ruin your hair, fuck up your nervous system and make you ill for a while, but either that or you die because you have stage 3 cancer”. Or you could vote third party, which is the fruit essense diet p

“I refuse to vote for the lesser of two evils”

I’m really just so fucking tired.

Nah, they will respond with “tell them to talk to my lawyer”. What? You dopn’t have a lawyer? Bootstrap, you lazy bum!

True. He thought he was safe because he was an upstanding, law abiding citizen. The point of BLM is that that is a myth, if you’re black.

Wait, how is that sword in the Mass Effect clip a “Japanese” sword? The only sword that is unique in shape and proportion is the katana. All I saw from that clip is a short, flat sword. A design that is, while used in Japanese culture and media, not unique to Japanese culture. If you need a short bladed weapon that

THey dont want to become apple,

You’re deluding yourself if you thinkEpic is not going to raise it to 30% if they gained market lead. You might think 30% is huge but the fact is no one has offered less without pumping marketing money to prop it up (example: Epic). That’s the cost of online distribution. The cost is not there just to increase

Epic is suing Google too. They’re not arguing in good faith here. Basically they want “I want all the features but none of the costs”.

You really need to have a buddy or two in this game. Bonus points if they’re already veterans so they could point you in the right direction of what you want to do. The game got so stupidly big that it’s hard to figure out the path to your goals, especially since a lot of them overlap with each other. Having a

If you ignore the “it’s just a conspiracy theory in a video game” part, you still have a game where the player plays a part of the government status-quo shooting people who are protesting.

You probably seen in it UIs that wasn’t censured. Like Nightwave’s shop shows cosmetics for your operator. They gave up on trying to hide it for new players. Hints of the reveal in The Second Dream is peppered in small clues all over the place. Sometimes you’d get a glitchy effect when loading into missions and given

This. Epic’s white knights here completely ignored that Epic could take this case to court and make it about getting their own store/market outside of iOS’ walled garden *WITHOUT* pulling a stunt of breaking a contract they asked about and was told this was going to happen. I repeat, in case some of you seem to be so

“Some of you indie developers may get wrecked from this battle, but it is a sacrifice I’m willing to make.” -Farquaad Sweeny

There are a lot of Chinese game companies and developers but they sprouted during the online F2P boom, which leads to many of them being clones of online games and designed for maximum MTX. This game is clearly single player so it’s unique in that front. The studios and talents in China are not lacking. They just need

LOL if you think they’d keep it at 12% once they supplanted Steam as market leader. 30% is the market standard. If 12% were the norm and feasible, you’d think uPlay, Origin and the rest would have used it, or even just go with 20% to get developers to come to their market. 12% is not sustainable based on my simple

The best part is that Epic is not losing money from Apple’s cut. They’re losing potential profits. They’re not doing this to make the price cheaper for customers or for survival of their venture. It’s to boost profits for meeting growth targets.