
I've always giggled when a Vibe drives by EDIT: Someone beat me to it. I stand by my other (hardbody) nomination though.

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I've always thought that Mecedes-Benz were pretty pompous, thinking that Santa's reindeer and sleigh can be replaced by some color-coordinated German engineering.

I want to be able to see the site again on my phone. :( Ever since the new layout, the "main menu" won't collapse on my phone, making Jalopnik un-readable unless I'm on my PC. Kotaku and others that haven't switched styles are still fine.

Still no heists?


BMW goes front-wheel drive.

No diesel wagon option. Forget the configure tool, we need photoshop!

Days of... Thunder?

That image just screams photoshop IMHO.

Any of those automated car washes.

This truck is from Canada (according to the article), which makes it in km, not miles. 121k km is about 70 or 75k miles, IIRC. So the mileage really is quite good, I still think the price is too high (maybe they should advertise that in Canada-bucks instead?) If he starts at 8, I'd offer 6.5, prepared to walk away

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I see your 'busa powered Smarts, and raise you a golf cart.

Because 'Merica!

Twat? Yes, I twatted you.

Saw headline. HOPED it was about TWLCOAT special K.

Miami - the worst part of Florida. Send it back where it came from.

These female racers will always be a [#]10 in my book...

Obviously where you live and when you're free/how much time you have to donate contributes heavily to this. If you're really serious about doing it, take to the forums of whatever series you're looking to get into and post in the "classifieds" section for drivers.

Downloading the 1 map now, thanks! Never downloaded any workshop content through steam before, I hope it's pretty straight forward to get it working :)

Oooh, is there an Oppo group that plays F5 together? I want in on this!