
Wish I wasn't so cheap and I could have brought myself to order my BRZ is the color I REALLY wanted:

I'm a sucker for a beetle with a hot-wheels type paint job. Something about it just "does it" for me.

Best of luck to you!

I'm in a similar situation to you - haven't played since Red (Screw blue!)

Let 'em burn.

My top pick (the Moller, specifically):

So does anyone know if that's an international release on Nov. 21st? I'm guessing Japan only at first...

This sounds like a lemons race. In the dirt partly, and the other part in a dilapidated, death trap of a Beetle...

From the linked article: "is pretty clear that it was all a stunt in order to distract from the development of the 038, aka the Delta S4, that was being tested in great secrecy."

Different strokes, and such. No worries, Cheers.

Oh absolutely not a cocaine related problem. You should post that to the original poster though. I was just using this thread as an excuse to post some funny meme's.

I mean, I'm not saying it's un optimized or not, but I know for myself, this is the first "next gen" game coming out that I'm looking forward to (with driveclub delayed) - so I plan to upgrade my hardware some when it hits. The other option of course is to spring for a console, but neither of them have really "wowed"

True, us gamers ARE procrastinators....

One of next year's biggest games will be out sooner than you think: Titanfall hits Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC on March 11, 2014 in North America. (March 13 in Europe.)

Thanks, corrected! Been a while since I saw the episode, so my search of "Top gear van renault" left the model to be questionable in my mind...

Corrected, thanks! (It's a refreshing change when someone isn't a douche about a correction, thanks!)