
The name will be "The Spirit of Lemons". I think he's got that posted on his website already

Maybe I was the only one, but based on the headline I was *hoping* that it meant Danica (and apparently her boy toy by extension) were getting out of motorsports. Dissapoint.

Car 8 is wrong as well, looks like a 68 or 69 Camaro, certainly not a Chevelle. In addition car 2 is wrong, looks like a 70/71 GS (standard which was a 350 I believe). Had one of those when I was a kid

I'm going to email him, offering $500. I've been needing a new lemons vehicle...

Sad that it will never come to the states, and thus the vast majority of the Jalopnik readership won't be able to experience the joy this car will [hopefully] bring to the "pantular region".

Now playing

Eff you more. My X-90 that I raced with SpeedyCop in the 24hours of lemons at NHMS earlier this year (and won index of effluency in) is super practical. It races, goes off road, and I can use it as somewhere to conduct sleeping/eating/drinking excessively. /shameless self plug

Congrats, both on the win and on the Jalop feature! I won this with my team earlier this season and didn't get so much as an honorable mention... *sad face*. Will I see you at Halloween Hooptifest?

"How to look like a massively irresponsible moron on Google Street View" is how this should read. Funny how when it's a "true Jalopnik reader", they plaster what a bad idea it is and how he's a douche. But be one of the "cool kids" and everyone will praise you. #twowheelsbad

One of our more talented Jalops needs to get the photoshop machine fired up to make this a "

It's interesting just how closely the steps match up to when us Northeasterners get hit with an ice storm or Nor'Easter. In all my time living in the south/Florida I never had to experience a hurricane thankfully.

+1. Some great childhood memories right there. I remember scenes in that episode where it just kept going on forever, and it went a hell of alot faster than anything else listed here too. After all, isn't Jalopnik really all about "dirty, nasty speed"?

For that kind of bloat, you could have had a V6 Rustang!

Thinking I might have to email him this one, even though he just picked up a new project...

Woka, woka, woka..

Don't you cry yourself to sleep after a bottle of wine most nights, $kay? :)

He's attempting to nip this type of behavior before it bosoms... I mean blossoms!

"In other news this afternoon, Ken Block laid off his entire creative staff today, citing carnal knowledge of [at least] the 'ten next Gymkhana video locations' as well as their main plot points..."

$kay, I thought you said your days of posing on Rustang's were behind you, GT's and GT40's from now on only! :) Though I do approve of your bathing suit choice in this shot

I think we can all agree this electrifying event ended quite negatively for all involved.

I'd me more inclined to stamp "RUINED" in this case, but same effect...