
Yes and no. I’m with you on a CEO’s Kid shouldn’t determine anything on a game, but the article did say the developer admitted it was the right thing. The flags were annoying AF and now I know why there wasn’t an in-game map to find them (later iterations you could buy a map). But having an assassin game with no

Do not do this. I ordered from GameStop on their last sale and one of the games was not in the shipping box? No game case. No disc.

Do not do this. I ordered from GameStop on their last sale and one of the games was not in the shipping box? No game

Let’s be honest here. If you were someone who bought one of these new, you were already underwater. 

Absolutely. Came here to say the same thing. I use this episode as a gateway episode for people who haven’t watched it. Heck. I even got the wifee to watch the series (back episodes to recent) just by watching the opening of that episode with her. 

This idea has never had bad optics.

You gave me a good chuckle today. I do agree though.

That doesn’t look bad. Uncharted cinematics. Assassin’s Creed parkour. Arkham fighting style. Soul stealing Shang Tsung mechanic. I’d play it. 

My usual spending has gone down significantly like gas, lunches, etc. But my discretionary spending has gone up due to boredom.

Agreed. There is far worse out there. Crystal Skull wasn’t great, but it’s not as bad as some make it out to be. 

That’s what they call the new Toyota Supra effect. 

Putting a hot dog in a bun makes it a sandwich. Yes. It is considered a sandwich. 

The entire Tesla line up?

$2.18 for 87 at the Costco here in Sacramento. Not too shabby. 

I’m on Microsoft’s side with the removable batteries, but to me, the PS5 is so visually striking. I don’t know about the ergonomics (I’ll have to hold it to know), but wow is it futuristic looking. It looks like the robots from the Total Recall reboot:

I for one can’t wait to read the player stories and articles on here about these new quadrants. As a non-player I enjoy them like a good sci-fi book. 

That header pic. The whole anthropomorphic animal with a regular (cybernetic) animal. Like Pluto and Goofy.

I have never heard a better description of Episode 1 than yours. Nailed it. 

And pre-ordered. Sonic comics have been my gateway to getting my 4 year old into comics. And he loved the movie (so did I). This Is a win-win. Thanks!

And pre-ordered. Sonic comics have been my gateway to getting my 4 year old into comics. And he loved the movie (so

Haha haha. My coworker and I had this discussion two days ago. We still can’t figure it out.