Is that you Donut Lord?
Is that you Donut Lord?
Daaaaaaaang. Check and mate.
“Welcome to my nightmare.”
I just hope we get an Exegol single player mission with Zay. That’s all I really want.
Exactly! And if dad (me) unlocks a few characters on Smash, so be it. Muhahaha
My sentiments exactly. Disney, give us a Solo series on Disney+ you cowards!!!!
“See honey, I posted it and still no bites.”
Finally! Footage that shows it went back to the left.
Good on him. Enjoy retirement! Thank you for many years of entertainment.
A coworker (I was her supervisor) showed up to my formal wedding with her husband in f’ing jeans and flannels like it was some barn celebration.
This is great advice that I will try next time little little Rider1 drives me crazy... which will be tomorrow.
Did they list any prices? I’m weirdly interested in buying these.
Holy shit. This dude sounds like what I think Trump would say in the same circumstance.
I’m getting a kick out of reading the comments that defend their habit of keeping the water on. They all sound like “It’s muh rights!”
Damn it Shep. I missed the boat on this one.
Damn it Shep. I missed the boat on this one.
Anyone who picks twizzlers over red vines is not worth your time. You dodged a bullet my friend.
Anyone who picks twizzlers over red vines is not worth your time. You dodged a bullet my friend.
Damn right. Also add in a couple k to the kids’ 529k.