
Well crap. I don’t really like this set...

He looks like Mac from It’s Always Sunny cosplaying as a football player. 

Can’t unsee that shit now. Thanks...

Wtf? How’d you get my Costco playbook? And stop reading it out loud. 

I know what you mean...

Nah. More like piece of shit racist asshole sucker punches drunk Irish guy.

Think about it. He’s probably the player in a video game. When they die, the rest of the NPCs just go back to their thing. But does that mean we’re all NPCs. 

That’s because Enterprise is one of the few companies that allows under 25 to rent. I think it’s 21 to 25. There is an additional charge per day on top of the regular rental fee for those who are under 25. Last time I did it (which was a loooooong time ago), it was an additional $20 a day.

Report back here please. 

Ok. This one made me laugh. So simple yet so eloquent. 

Well, when you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all.

For once, auto play got me. Watched the whole thing. That was incredible. 

I haven’t played the game yet, but I have a question.

Gawd damn. COTD

These tips also work for going to Starbucks or any other coffee spot. But just add, don’t make a ghetto latte or any other cheapskate drink/order to game the system.

That’s awesome. Unfortunately that last picture will be used sometime in the future as a poster for cultural appropriation even though it’s not.

“In the single player campaign...”

The good news is that if you are right, we recover from WWIII and not only develop time travel, but develop time travel to a point where it’s used for tourism. 

While other people fantasize about winning the lotto and traveling or buying a big house or whatever, mine is legally importing an R34. I even fantasize how I’d learn how to shift with my left hand. Ahhh the simple things.