
Well shit. I just learned something new today. Thanks

My coworker brought a great point. We both watched it yesterday at the first showing in our city.

CP. Probably was driven hard and the seller doesn’t realize modifications don’t raise the price!

Warriors really want the title of the Worst Best Team in NBA history. 

I also want to point out that Ring also offers $100 for a year of 24/7 monitoring. If you sign up for this plan, you also get 10% off on stuff you buy from their website (Ring.com). 

I also want to point out that Ring also offers $100 for a year of 24/7 monitoring. If you sign up for this plan, you

Agreed. I absolutely loved this game and it will be one of the few that I will replay. 

I thought this as well. I swear I could hunt while hiding in brush. 

“Fuckin kangaroos.”

Goddamnit I like it. I kind of hope this becomes a thing for shit cars. 

You know the world is fucked when I’m more excited for a hybrid Corolla than a “cheap” Tesla.

I hope Masked Singer is done after one season. Anything that gives a notorious anti-vaxxer prime time on tv should be shut down immediately.

This worked wonders with our kiddo who got an iPad from grandma and grandpa (thanks mom and dad, where’s mine). The alert at 5 minutes left then at 1 minute give him his warnings.

Sacramento Valley area...

And here I am trying to put together a down payment for a house in CA that’s close to the same price of this one SUV...

I’m sure the ST comes complete with a 96 month zero down financing plan.

So... was your spouse one of those dates?

Geez. That thing looks like it’s mumbling in a low voice “Kiiiillll meeee...”

Talented and creative. His work is awesome!

Props to Beth! Own it. My name is Rider1 and I love Taco Bell!