I like it. If it seats 4, is a hyrbrid, bed is at least 4 feet long and can fit a couple mountain bikes, or a dirtbike, or a small load of crap from Homey Depot, would work great for me and probably most people that have trucks they don’t use for towing or off-roading.
I had an Aurora that looked just like that. Terribly unreliable car. I gave it to my sister-in-law for free for her first car, not sure that she ever forgave me.
Yeah that was my first thought, as that definitely looks like a typical rental. “Hey lets take this rental out to the salt flats and see how fast it will go!”
I like it. Interesting looking car, and less common than the MG convertibles, and it seems well sorted overall. I’d still want to spend some more money on it making it my own, probably add some bumpers back on, ideally I’d want it a different color eventually but wouldn’t need anything major or immediate and is…
Yeah I agree the Z probably would be a little sportier with its driving dynamic, but I’d also be weighing out things like usability, where the Mustang has a backseat and reasonable trunk that would make it easier to live with too. I’d be happy to have either car but would use each a little differently.
I’ve always had a soft spot for the Z, going back to the early 90's when a twin turbo 300 was my dream car. This one looks good in red, I think the standard version is better and cleaner looking than the Nismo version that’s coming out. If I got it free I’d happily drive it and enjoy it, as it seems like a fun car.…
If being totally practical, you are absolutely correct. However I’d say there is a good amount of value in having something totally unique too. For me that $20k premium is too much though.
I think its cool, as you are unlikely to see another one here. Not sure if that’s a good price or not, but would be a fun and unusual little car. I like it.
“This won’t be my last contribution to Jalopnik — you should hear a little more from me next week — but my time here is coming to an end.”
Definitely my favorite. I love they shot it low budget without permits or closing off roads for the car scenes.
I think it will be priced higher than a Model 3 performance and still will sell well. There enough people that want a performance electric car but do not want anything from Tesla for various reasons. Personally I think the Hyundai looks better than a model 3 too, and I’d vastly prefer the somewhat more traditional and…
I get your reasoning here, but have to say I’m still in the hate them camp, as all of the reasons you listed aren’t based on logic but rather an unrealistic perception.
Unless I lived right next to off-road Jeep trails where I could use it in that environment often I couldn’t live with one. If all you’ve ever driven…
Just recently bought a new car and experienced this. Negotiated fair price ahead of time, thankfully had it all in writing for a specific vehicle and vin, get to dealership and they bring me the paperwork with $6k of already installed “accessories” that they said I have to take, like Lojack, the paint protection plasti…
Try it in Minnesota dead of winter, ice covered roads, -15 temps, with a full size suitcase or two, you will reconsider.
Yeah inadvertent donuts. I drove an old crappy stick shift Mustang a full winter there one year. Did lots of donuts, had to be pulled out ditch a couple times.
I’ve actually had a lot of interesting rental cars over the years.
In Los Angeles I’ve been upgraded from a regular mid-size rental to a BMW 5 series and a Mercedes C class for free.
In Minneapolis I had a mid-size rented but it was snowing like crazy so I asked nicely if they had any 4-wheel drive vehicles available…
Looks like a concept car for a first gen Dodge Intrepid.
I believe the U.S. execs of Kia are based in Irvine, so they probably have a pretty good understanding of California as that is electric car central.
There is more infrastructure here than most places, but still not enough for electric cars to truly go mainstream.
The bulk of people here are putting chargers in their…