As the customer, the pressure exerted on you by your bosses is not my problem. If you don’t want to special order a car for me, that’s fine. I’ll take my business to a dealer who is willing to take my money.
Camp in a Tesla that was built in a tent. Makes sense to me.
Hey, David,
I bought a Nash Metropolitan a while back in Arizona, which I shipped back to Japan... I trailered it and the one thing people don’t think about when buying such a car: it doesn’t really fit on regular U-Haul trailers! It was SUPER tight and I got lucky that it fitted, half of each tire was in the air on the ramps.…
Today is America’s birthday, and so your hardworking Jalopnik staff is taking a little time off to grill meat, drink High Life and contemplate the Oldsmobile Toronado. We suggest you do the same, but even if you don’t, we have a day of posts ready for your perusal. You’re welcome.
Ah yes, I became an expert at holding my drink up around corners while also shifting in my ‘01. I also became an expert in coil packs, window regulators and rear light bulb replacements.
As a motorcyclist... fuck this guy.
One change I’d like to see for 2019 is a Miata RF-lite of the sorts. Keep the lines and the targa of an RF, but fix the rear section and remove the power folding targa top. A targa top that you have to remove yourself and stow away in a spot in the trunk would be better, imo. I’m not sure of how much the mechanical…
WWow one of those exhausts caught a woman, I always thought of them aso female repellent
You went through 4 trucks in 10 years?
Is this someone protesting the death of sedans?
I don’t know how it is in other places, but somebody in Minnesota is teaching people that you can’t make a left turn without first moving about half your car width into the adjoining right lane.
Sorry, I’m doing this wrong. All I can remember is this very good advice my dad gave me:
Because ultra-rich investors will cull any CEO who doesn’t relentlessly pursue growth and profit increases, the environment and middle class jobs be damned.