It is NOT “much more expensive”. It costs the same it always did ... zero dollars.
It is NOT “much more expensive”. It costs the same it always did ... zero dollars.
Cram it sideways with walnuts, you racist sleazeball. You are being as much a racist as the scum in Charlottesville. Worse, actually, because you’ve talked yourself into believing your racism is OK. Like all racists, you’ve found a comfortable framework of excuses and lies that make you think you’re a nice person…
You people are just as bad as the racists in Charlotte. Really. You’re the other side of that ugly coin, and you should all be ashamed of yourselves.
Hmmmm... No. Your advice is You-centric and applies to no one but yourself. People should buy what they like and ignore all the so-called ‘advice’ they get from ignoramouses and self-appointed fauxperts on teh interwebs.
Our city has told us to water extra because we’ve got so much water this year we need to lower our reserves. So ... no.
It’s articles like this that conclusively show average folks that Progressives both live on another planet, and are demonstrably painful hypocrites to be around.
ESPN’s definite lean into liberal politics isn’t the reason it is tanking.
Just goes to prove MY’s point. The one thing Progressive Liberal Leftists hate the most is actual discussion. The real intolerance is from Progressives. MY is just a guy with a big mouth. It’s the PLLs that want blood, oppression, and suppression.
It’s not an immigration ban. It’s also not a Muslim ban. The Progressive Liberal left is once again enclowning itself with its Chicken Little reactions. The order temporarily restricts immigration from 7 nations that Obama designated at problematic. It suspends refugee admission for 120 days, except Syria which is…
Good. The EPA needs to die in a fire. I hope Trump lops every Federal department’s headcount by at least 30% - and reduces the budget by that much or more on top of it. National defense and some inter-state commerce oversight. That’s all the Federal government should be doing.
Of course not, because like all racists, bigots, and sexists - the Progressive Liberal Left has created a psychological excuse mechanism that allows them to dehumanize anyone or anything they don’t like. That means it’s OK for them to hate, torture, attack, or whatever they want because they’re good little fascist…
harassment is garbage no matter how you slice it
Pht. Obama has been calling and trying to normalize relations with the terrorist state known as Iran - one of the most destabilizing nations ever to exist - and liberals couldn’t have cared less.
“We also expect our gas bill to again decrease by more than the increase in our electric bill, particularly because our next purchase will replace an ICE vehicle, not supplement one.”
The key component of that is “very efficient battery”... Without an efficient and economic means of energy storage, all the solar and wind power in the universe would be all but useless...
... which is where we’re at today because that very efficient battery simply does not exist.
Sounds like like the kind of misery porn that watchers of Game of Thrones, or Walking Dead would enjoy. No thanks. I enjoy real life, where none of this sort of self-loathing nonsense really happens, and I see no need to wallow like a sow in such masochistic drivel.
FBI statistics prove that the Black population is not targeted disproportionately. Per capita of the U.S. population, Black men are 6.7 more likely to commit murder, 3.2X more likely to commit rape, 9X more likely to commit robbery, 3.5X more likely to commit aggravated assault, 3X more likely to commit burglary, 2.8X…
Pht - yeah - because all the graffiti all over most cities painted by black ‘artists’ so routinely gets people thrown in jail. :P SJWs have way too much race on the brain.
Yawn. More misery porn from an increasingly self-obsessed media cabal of deconstructionists is the last thing the entertainment world needs.
Meh. I miss the Lovecraftian single player of Quake 1 more than the Stroggian body-horror blah blah of all the other Quakes. Wish they’d go back to more of a Quake 1 vibe than whatever the heck was going on in this trailer.