BWA-HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You said that unironically. How’d you do that?
BWA-HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You said that unironically. How’d you do that?
Which happens to people like Eich, or a baker in Oregon, or anyone that liberal, left wing hatemongers happen to want to destroy and it’s perfectly OK. Derp.
I find it quite amusing when SJWs choose to label the people they support as ‘completely innocent’ and get all bothered by the problems that their ideological…
It is quite simple. Once you have been indoctrinated into the cult of 3rd Wave Feminism then you really are a lost cause as a human being. You have become a prejudiced, judgmental, selfish, egotistical, insufferable, miserable person who has difficulty with even basic human interaction without your bigotry and sexism…
“a developer that had no problems using it in the past”
I certainly hope that Kotaku - as a scion of Gawker - realizes just how much this “aggression studies are nonsense” article simultaneously kneecaps all the arguments from Feminist Faux-Gamers like Sarkeesian, Quinn, Wu, et al that Gamers and Games are sexist / bigoted. You know - that huge lie that Gawker and Kotaku…
Oil free popcorn is NOT delicious. Air popped corn is chewy and unpleasant. Air popped? More like air POOPED.
Oil free popcorn is NOT delicious. Air popped corn is chewy and unpleasant. Air popped? More like air POOPED.
Yawn. Is Clown Nose still here? Wake me up when this guy disappears like Letterman. Will not be missed.
I played WOW all the way through the Cataclysm expansion. A couple months after Cataclysm came out and I’d done all the dungeons and half the raids I noticed something. WoW wasn’t “fun” anymore. It felt more like “work”.
Uh - that’s the same thing as saying that you haven’t really murdered anyone as long as you don’t get caught. That’s sophistry. Cheating is cheating whether you get caught or not.
Hard Boiled eggs will simply give you hot-pockets of a different sort... You’d better hope that the significant others of gamers don’t hear you gave this advice after their next sulfurous encounter with the after-bed Broiler treatment.
Wow - it’s a comic that pretty much summarizes the Obama presidency - foreign and domestic. It even has a bit where he whines about how things that are his direct fault aren’t his fault.
The best thing about the Grayson/Damian era for Batman was not Grayson/Damian - but Reformed Riddler. :)
So wrong about Toy Story 1. So wrong. Writing was tight, all characters were plausible, it kept you on the edge, and had a great payoff. And Up got better at the end - you just didn’t get what the movie is about letting go and moving on so you missed that it wasn’t about squirrels, birds, talking dogs, and old person…
The ruling has been published without any kinds of specified protections or clarifications. I get that those who have wanted equal treatment are happy, but at some point you have to be a grown up about this. The litigatory pandora box this opens is going to be more than a mess.
Nothing new here, sadly. Every single Arkham port to the PC has been an unmitigated disaster at launch. Arkham Asylum on the PC took weeks to get right. Arkham City took MONTHS before WB and RS finally got it to an acceptable state (and in some ways it is still very poor optimization for the PC).
Cool - but I sure wish they would get Devastator's scale right. Yeah - he's big - but he isn't "I can wrap my fingers around an entire building" big.
Meh. Graphics? Pretty. Otherwise this looked about as interesting as the average trip through a spook alley at a carnival. Every few feet there is some pre-arranged boogeyman that pops out of its digital alcove and tries to make things dramatic/tense/scary whatever. There isn't a single "Press X To Win Game" QTE game…
Yawn. I quit the part-time job that World of Warcraft had become over 2 years ago and I haven’t missed it.
Batman's costume is pretty generic looking. It's a dark blue/black suit with a big white stripe down the center. The stripe just looks odd.
Woah - you have Combiner War's Defensor already? Why are you wasting your time reviewing Lego Elves when you could be reviewing that? :)