Appreciate the time, thanks for the comments. I look forward to the first opportunity to demonstrate how this vehicle performs in upcoming driving tests in the future.
Can I admit something? I objectively know Kia and Hyundai now make good cars. Maybe not great, but certainly better than most people require.
The twitter handle “Muhhamed Moskowitz” makes it blatantly clear this is social commentary in the form of satire.
It is if you’re a mouth-breather who knows they wouldn’t be buying this car even if it had a V8.
Let's see,
Green bottle all the way, man. You can't get high (metaphorically) off that yellow garbage.
Which is why whatever I get is getting a 24 month lease at the most...the new E class coupe (won't be based on the old C class coupe platform anymore for starters) but will also probably START around 70k
Better looking you say?
Correction/Clarification: CAN bus itself isn't the problem and isn't a "new" creation by itself. CAN has been around since the '80s and the standard ISO/SAE CAN-high/CAN-low protocols have been implemented in OBDII (every car since '96). CAN is simply the data transmission method and isn't the issue, it's the sensors…