
Good tint is only dark on the outside and not even close to being as dark on the inside. This ain't the 90s anymore.

Any windshield! I've got 50% on my car and it helps with sun/heat/and HIDs in reflector housing.

Yep =]

Get used to that lovely grill it'll be on a few more AMG cars coming soon.

So then why haven’t they done it already? Why does the CTS still lag behind the 5 series, A6, and E class? And the new E Class is in a different league now.

You raise an interesting point. Back in the day the Nintendo 64 was designed to be upgraded when the extra memory. I believe it was Majora Mask that required it and Donkey Kong. The system and the upgradeable GPU or memory can be designed with a user friendly carriage for plug and play.

E43 is down about 40-50 HP (396 HP) compared to the S6 and 550i. MB screwed the pooch on this one. Those have V8s too not V6s.

I think that is silly that you either have to go 4 cylinder or AMG Lite. Not to mention the insurance premium on anything called AMG. Rebadging the C450 to C43 AMG surely raises the insurance premium and service charges even if it’s the same car.

Yup. I bet by now someone has stolen that set as well to them to the next chump and the Honda circle of life continues.

Lol I’ve already seen them on a 2000 CRV.

They look nice, everyone and their mother owns a Honda. The bolt patterns have been the same for like 20 years so they fit pretty much every Honda which makes them super easy to sell for $1,000 with tires. That’s a smoking deal.

Same formula

You take your sound logic and you get the hell outta here!

Lol! That just made this article even funnier.

I just feel that some part of winning championships is how your front office is setup. The Heat as an organization are just better overall than the Cavaliers and Pat Riley is a much better owner.

Should have stayed in Miami.

Hmm I can see this creating confusion regarding how far an object truly is. I can see somebody using the camera and thinking someone who’s driving behind them is much further than they actually are.

My question is why can’t NHTSA adopt new standards like every other government agency?

I believe the phrase should be “home remedy” rather than natural, just seems more accurate.

So BMW underrates their HP figures and Alpina turns around and overrates them? Fuck is that about