Rico Muscatel

I think it looks pretty fun. Who doesn’t love a fun globetrotting treasure hunt?

I’m really interested in this. I feel like I would be a bigger Trek fan if I had a gateway series as a kid (watching the various 90s series out of order in syndication way back when was certainly a challenge) so I’m piqued if this is the kind of show I would have wanted at 11 and would still check out at 35.

I’m thinking they’re a dying breed like Blockbuster 10 - 15 years ago. They’ll be gone soon, I suppose.

I’m thrilled that Pennyworth is moving to HBO Max!

Just keep hoping and praying there will be 2 movies ;)

She was recast.

Nah it’s totally a different movie. Neo has long hair and looks like John Wick. /s

I love it.

It’s a beautiful intro. Fans of the older shows will love the gratuitous flyby shots.

Holy shit- I just read the Wikipedia article. The stupidity of that town council is mind boggling. 

These crazy events continued rate of occurrence only goes to show that humans aren’t learning and we will absolutely destroy this planet in pursuit of a dollar. Since my wife and I found out we can’t have kids, it’s time to explore and experience this world before it’s all destroyed.

But don’t worry. Runaway Greenhouse effect totally can’t happen here on Earth. Totally. Probably. Maybe.

This landscape has been more or less stable for more than 50,000 years, and we fucked it up. Planetary vandalism. 

Psh, that’s nothing. Pennsylvania has an underground mine that’s been on fire for over 50 years:

I feel like things would be been wrapped up better if they had a ninth episode. This finale felt altogether too packed with reveals, betrayals, etc. I didn’t care for it. I enjoyed the season overall, but this felt super rushed and didn’t always make sense.

This sounds like a great example of why it’s good Watchmen didn’t get a second seaosn

The “God In Your Ear” line reminded me SO much of Root on Person of Interest the other Jonathan Nolan AI theme show  

Will all due credit to the original creator of ‘The Ballad of Bernard and Dolores’, unapologeticfangirl, I suggest we will see a continuation next season...

Was the “new” Dolores body that Caleb found in a trunk not actually the original Dolores body? Her face opened to accept her pearl in the same way that early hosts were shown to do in previous seasons, rather than having it inserted through the crown of the skull. When Maeve’s katana gets stuck in the metal armature

It’s amazing how terrible this review is and this sort of sentiment is why we got S3. Dolores choosing to free humanity in a benevolent way is not a twist. I don’t see how anyone could possibly see this as a twist when in the open of S3 she literally says she doesn’t want to hurt anyone she doesn’t have to lol. Like

It’s a twist so out of left field that it actually came from a ballpark 20 miles away, and so unsupported it has fallen into the molten core of the Earth.