BBQ & Steak Judge

...and Yelp.

This already exists, it’s called “Google Reviews”.

F1 standards are much higher than those of the folks that camped out for Summer Jam

Watkins Glen definitely could not handle the F1 crowd influx. I have friends who live in the area that regularly talk about the fact that the NASCAR crowd totally overflows the area (and that’s not even mentioning the team members that love the track but hate the area because finding accommodations can be impossible,

F1 last raced in Watkins Glen in the 1980s, and circuit safety and entertainment standards have drastically evolved since then. There were even complaints in the final years WGI hosted the race that the circuit facilities and town accommodations weren't up to par

Yeah this is all beyond my paygrade. 

I question the inclusion of a 7-year old article in the “evergreen” category, Tom. Likely not your call, though.

Screw these punk ass wipes. Is anyone else tired of the ‘endless’ stories about these inbred turds? Erin, are you trying to be a ‘reporter’ or just generate clicks? Starting to really wonder.

They absolutely crushed that one

What did they accomplish, other than proving what a stupid bunch of cockwads they are?

Those fads also benefit from people who are bad at math reading press releases about sales of fake meat rising 300%!!!!! in the last year without ever looking at the raw data.

The vegan craze is pretty much over. This happens every twenty years or so, there is big fuss about veganism, lots of militant vegans declare the end of meat eating and the new era of non meat based foods, a lot of people jump on the bandwagon, and then the bubble bursts, people go back to normal, and everyone moves

No, Starbucks coffee just tastes that bad. 

You take a picture of yourself in front of the car, holding the day’s newspaper. You have not seen that in movies?

The quality of the writing (which feels like a high schooler wrote it), plus the glaring omissions, is par for the course at Jalopnik nowadays. I’m not sure what I was expecting clicking on this article.

So no mention of the phenomenal results for Haas? 5th and 11th. Magnussen battling most of the race with Mercedes...Mercedes! I believe that deserves a few words in the story.

Pretty telling that the last 5 finishers were Mercedes powered, while Ferrari had the top 2 and a total of 5 cars in the top 10. And Red Bull/Honda only got 1 of 4 to the finish.

When you’re talking about bacon (or any cured meat that is traditionally cooked), you’re going to see more wet cure methods used, including things like injecting the brine. In the pack it will weigh the same, look larger, but when it cooks you end up having way more shrinkage.

Huge difference between manufactured goods for end use versus goods used as ingredients in other things. The “pound of” things need to be left alone, even if labelled 454g.

Frito-Lay, Mondelez and PepsiCo are all making record profits. Shrinking product amount is less about inflation than it’s about maintaining those sweet, sweet profit margins.