Rickster3rd ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Patton Oswalt and a poorly maintained Delorean

Still holds the record for the Kessel run though.

(Expletive Deleted) an HOA. They are subversively designed to keep minorities out of better neighborhoods even if they are professionals and able to afford to live there.

Good luck to you. I am sure you will excel at whatever you put your hand to. To quote the great Ron Swanson “Give 100%. 110% is impossible, only idiots recommend that”.

Flashback to 1988. I was 17 and driving my first car. Graduation day (high school), me and my friends pile into the car and head to the school. We sit in the blazing sun for 3 hours through all of the speeches, accolades, awards and presentation of diplomas. Party Time!!! We pile back into the car to head out for the

I totally agree with you. James May brings humor and intelligence to his Japan travels. I feel if Hammond were also a part of it it would still be good but include Jeremy and it would snowball into chaos and stupidity from which it would not recover with Jeremy purposely offending anyone they come into contact with

Yeah being 6'6" and built like a middle linebacker has its car buying challenges.

Isn’t this really the true “Ford Fusion”?

At 6'6" I only stand once the plane stops to stretch my legs.  I am courteous enough to not start grabbing my stuff and allowing those in front of me to file off as normal.  Just depending on how long the flight was I need to stand up as coach is cramped sometimes :).

What could I say?  On a plane like the rest of the time you don’t know who is crazy anymore.  In the real world you can run away from crazy but at 26,000 feet we are all captives and crazy has an audience.

On a flight from STL to ATL I paid the $25 to upgrade to business class for the additional legroom. Once we leveled off the guy across the row from me pulled of his shoes and socks and started to bite his toenails spitting the errant pieces on the floor. This went on for about 10 minutes until the snack and beverage

For a lot less money I might have a second look but as is I can shop for a much newer BMW with more power and still have that same Bavarian excitement. As it sits that’s a sold Crackpipe.

The Simpsons is suffering the same fate as many long running shows (SNL) in that out of the box they were dynamite for several years with good writing and great jokes but as the viewing public who remembers the old days gets older and wiser the new stuff is just not tickling the funny bone anymore.  Trying too hard to

I hope they actually try it.  Maybe Darwin can make up for lost time.

Thanks for that I literally laughed out loud.

It was not so much that they were illegally making cars bearing copyrighted names it's that Ferrai and Lamborghini were appalled a bunch of guys in a garage were able to make "replicas" that look almost as good as the ones made in their state of the art facilities at one fifth the price.

Excellent.  All the stars!

Apparently a student of the George Zimmerman school of security.