Rickster3rd ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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It is still astonishing to me that a 5.7 liter engine can produce so little HP. If it is rated at 275 at the crank then those wheels must be getting about 230. Still a low mileage clean example for sub 9K is a nice price even if I can’t grow a mullet and porno stache to go with it.

Well when it immolates like a comet it will be as fast as one too. And wrapping an LS3 with a crap pile does not improve the crap pile it ruins the LS3. Crackpipe.

Some of the finest dishes I have had the pleasure of originated in France. Coq Au Vin for example. Decadence. And your cheese example is sublime with the proper wine.

Jalopnik staff van. Crude writing on the side reads “If you play with my stick you will get some candy”

Maybe Rowan Freemaker had something to do with it. You know they run a pretty good customization shop on the Ring

Heck just chalk the 1800 to a large model kit and sequester yourself in the garage for a couple of months to complete it. Best part is you can drive it around when done. That’s no question money right there.

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I feel like this is actually what the “let me go talk with my manager” exchange is really like. And yes I know I make a lot of Seinfeld references. The 90's were a lonely time :(

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I’m voting NP cause if its good enough for Little Jerry Seinfeld and his mechanic can obsess this much it must be a fine car right? Right?

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This guy wins the boyfriend of the year award.

I keep waiting for Dick Clark to come from behind the curtain and yell “Gotcha!” You’re on TV’s bloopers and practical jokes.

Much like the Babushka Lady in the Zapruder film the world my never know. Just another casual observer that will be lost to the annals of time.

You win the internet ************

Decent car (albeit with an auto) but the price could get you something a bit newer. The owner needs to drop it to 4.5K to get my money.

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I drove from Richmond VA home with the remaining distance showing 0 miles. It died at the top of the driveway. 39 miles. I put some in from a gas can and filled up the next morning.

Porsche - Poor Owner Really Should Check His Ego.

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That interior has an air of puffiness that George Costanza would love. All others need not apply. Big ol’ smoldering Crackpipe

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The owner seen arguing with the head of the HOA.