
That’s a weird statement.

If it has happened already, then the niece would not need to be told, hence Abby’s response. She doesn’t assume that it hasn’t happened.

I try to type how I talk, sorry.

Oh, Will. Don’t be that divorced guy.

Why do you think he may think that? From the quote in the article he seems like he is trying to run a business/make money:

Questionable Pasta is my new band name!

Mmmmmmm pasta

Except women of color support Hillary. Why is everyone forgetting that? Why is everyone forgetting that we not all live in Brooklyn and the blacks and Chicanos from the south are overwhelmingly for Hillary? Why am I shouting into a void????

Who is saying that? We have a duty to vote for Hillary because she’s the better of the two candidates

I want to add that for me, it was about confidence. I thought long hair == feminine when I was younger, and that I couldn’t pull off short hair without looking like a dude. Now I see that pixie cuts are DOPE and women that rock them look amazing. I also realized that looking feminine all the time isn’t important to

Really fucking sick of Jezebel, of all places, calling this bullshit “sex.”

That’s a teen? Is she a TV show teen or an actual teen teen because she looks like she’s pushing 30 to me.

Yep. That quote from the judge -

No, no, you don’t understand: Guns matter.

Also, didn’t you hear about that woman who killed a man that one time? It totally happens both ways so it can’t be sexist.

So culture. Much influence. Wow.

Apparently “geometric patterns” is a culture. It is populated by those people in your math problems who buy 70 watermelons and leave Dallas on trains travelling 60mph.

... why would you bring a knife into the bathroom just because? Was he planning to, perhaps, julienne some carrots while he was in there? Mince some onions? Cut some tile he was planning to lay?

This makes absolute sense and my heart aches for this man. Having said that, that's a fucking amazing picture.

I’m so tired of this story in every single way.