
Professionally, black men are in a better position than white women in the military, for example. There was a sweeping comment about white women being second rung, and I think that’s questionable. Depends on the topic? Historically, black men have enjoyed some legal rights sooner than than white and black women. Black

I dunno, thought our actual laws/legal rights history was an indicator.

Second rung though? I mean, voting rights and stuff. Middle class white women have a leg up with say, a police interaction, but not in a job interview. Old white men trust the judgement of a formally educated black man over a formally educated white woman.

You’re right. But please don’t use my prospective opinion about Will Arnet, influence your opinion about me, as I have rights, and they’re none of your business, and doing so would smack of slut shamer shaming.

Of course he can. And people can make jokes about it, and let his choices affect how they view him.

Yeah, I remember back when she was famous as an accomplished tennis player, how her looks were used against her.

The Brits are way cooler about nudity than Americans. I was amazed to see more casual, non-sexualized nudity on TV there, with very normal people.

“And I understand it’s hard to get to New York and it’s hard to get a Broadway ticket,” Lol.

Memo to non parents: If you don’t want to hear people talk about their kids, stop putting parents into a box where you only see them as parents, and quit ASKING them about their kids, as if you presume that is the only thing they have to talk about. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone to a event where the purpose

Cause long hair can be a pain the ass. Some women like it anyway. Some women sort of like it, sort of don’t. Some women like or don’t like it, but also acquiesce to pressure to have lovely long hair (kind of how a lot of guys acquiesce to pressure to have a particular kind of short hair). And people who are

Weird. I bet he’d consider rape violent if he were the one raped.

Um, stupidity? The first time was an accident that prematurely posted before I finished (which made for the 2nd post). Then I remembered the other thing.

Actually, being pregnant increases the chances that you’ll be a victim of random violent crime as well. You’re an easier target for things like mugging.

Being pregnant increases your chances odd of being murdered, period, not as a comparison because you stopped rollerblading.


Have totally seen it play out in person that dudes think of 20%-25% women being “so many!”

That’s kind of funny that the you presume the reason a woman married a charming and good looking man was to “get ahead.” Maybe she just thought, “OMG, Johnny Depp!!!!!”

Well, when you come across as a huge douche, and seem like you’re just sexist and petty, you got nothing to lose with a good apology. Well done.

There’s another story on this site this week where a father took his 14 year old daughter across state lines to marry the grown man who’s impregnanted her.

Because it’s not true.