Rick Mears vs 85 Bears in a Bus driven by Ditka who wins

I am a Boston sports fan. If I have to live with Bill Simmons and legions of dipshits representing my rooting interests to the world, then you fucking have to deal with the Cardinal Way and The Best Fans in Baseball representing you. Even if you're not a part of it, it's real and the fucking hatred and exasperation is

I’m disgusted to hear Chicago was given the Stanley Cup after discovering this guy was runner up.

I think what you are saying is that, if Jordan had to deal with today’s media, you would hate him the way he should have been hated back then. I also don’t agree with the narrative that James is rammed down our throats unlike good ol’ Mike. Jordan was on TV ALL.THE.FUCKING.TIME.

They should do so, but only on the condition that investments in facilities for the local team comes with an equity stake in said team.

I dunno man, putting 99c on the can so stores can’t overcharge was pretty slick

Basically all of politics, ever?

Has Deadspin ever even asked for free juiceboxes? Seems kind of petty to expect Tropicana to just offer.

Fact: Bob Costas is a sanctimonious turd more often than not.

Costas is right—-it is a cynical exploitation/tabloid play, calculated to get the speech shared on BuzzFeed and Facebook and Twitter and Gawker Media’s array of sites. PR’s doing its job.

ESPN has used the “Arthur Ashe Award” effectively twice. Once for Jim Valvano, once for Stuart Scott. Market’s just a little tight

I agree with you, and I think it’s a shame that Deadspin has become a place for performative sanctimony, where one has to preface and apologize for having a different perspective, even if it’s both reasonable and not offensive (like yours).

I don’t know Tom, I mean. I am afraid here at Deadspin to say what I think without repercussion. I mean, I get the ESPYs are just famewhoring anyways. I do think reasonable people (not necessarily just Bob Costas) have legit hesitations about hoisting Caitlyn up so unequivocally. I’m sorry :(

People forget how great Secretariat truly was. I blame this PC culture of ours, changing the name to “Administrative Assistant’s Day.” Total BS if you ask me.

I never knew that getting cut from an NFL team was so much like getting evicted from the many apartments that I have.

Running backs who hate answering questions always do well in Buffalo, so that’s good news.

I just moved to South Carolina from NoVa, suck my balls traffic, but anyway, the mention of trying to avoid neighbors is so true... down here I know all my neighbors and they talk to me all the time and it freaked me the fuck out at first, but it’s actually nice being a normal social human being... God I hate NoVa. I


When are complaints about unoriginal post content going to stop? It’s so unoriginal at this point. You people are becoming the Phonetically Written Boston Accent guys.


I understand a New Yorker’s disdain for sandals considering the filth of the city in which you reside and the grounds on which it exists.