Rick Lucey

I lived off freeze dried food for about 2 weeks. It does get old in a few days, but hey when you are hungry!;) Water is the key to all this in the end along with at times heat to cook some of the stuff. One of my buddies in the Army gave me some MREs back in the early 90's. I still had them and cracked one open last

Sounds like a cool idea you have. Yes it seems lik someday someone will start up a real Science Fiction channel. I mean there is enough created content out there to fill it up!

Someone just needs to start a Science Fiction channel with an ironclad mission statement!;)

We should have a contest to rename the SCIFRACK Channel.;)

I am so with you there. It always is so funny seeing many of these network/channels stray so far from what their title implied. MTV is another classic example. I mean if I see a music video on there I am shocked. Many of these channels are just turning into reality TV joints. Now if you have maybe just a few reality

Come on we still need a Science Fiction channel folks. Also why doesn't the Scifrack channel call it sell the BMONSTER Channel! It seems to fit what it is perfectly right now!!!;) I mean it is ridicules there are already many true Scifi films/TV series already created they could show on the channel. Talk about tossing

I totally agree mile13 and having watched THE MIST again the other day it just really hits the point home!;)

I say please be fake! ;) What is it about spiders they always chill me to my very core. It is like I had distant ancestors that fought giant spider creatures.;)

Man every time I see that image I feel creeped on many levels!

I saw Manos without the aid of MST3K so surely I took one for the team!;)

It should be called MANOS:HANDS THAT WILL BUT YOU TO SLEEP! ;) Or maybe it would be film. It was a snoozer and if you are a bad film it least be weird, goofy and not boring.

I hate that film so much my future self warned me not to watch so I have yet haven't.;)

Been there done that and wow...it tasked me!;)

Yes I for one can't believe it. I watched it all the way through and zzzzzz. I say this as some one who loves bad films. Heck MANOS made PLAN 9 in my mind seem like an Oscar winner.;)

I love bad movies big time. Yet they have to have some quirk/craziness and really not be boring in their badness. I watch MANOS once and wow that was a chore to get through truly it is a bad horrible film. Heck it makes me like something like PLAN 9 even more.;)

I love bad movies big time. Yet they have to have some quirk/craziness and really not be boring in their badness. I watch MANOS once and wow that was a chore to get through truly it is a bad horrible film. Heck it makes me like something like PLAN 9 even more.;)

MANOS HAND OF SLEEP! Man it was beyond bad and bored me to sleep! Geez I want my bad films to at least be exciting and goofball on some level.;)

Still going to see JOHN CARTER myself I hope this week. Not that my one ticket purchase will help things. ;) Still it bums me out that all this flop buzz around JC will leave us no sequel and no other pulp type scifi films. I do like a mix of scifi/fantasy films in my world.

Also yes the Crystal Krypton never sat that well in my mind. Although on the other hand it did really give it an alien feel. Still I hope even if they go with this sort of medieval feel it is more pulpy/fun/Kirby like in it look. Not depressing.

I would love a full pulpy 1930s style Superman film myself!