Rick Lucey

Wow how connections there are elements from the first ALIEN film in this film.

I did anyways but like you I dig both cars. The two Bat mobiles in the two films following Burton's were lame in my book. The Nolan one is kind of growing on me a bit.

Technically both cars are from BATMAN films. The 1960's series spawned it's own fun film! Anyways a fun geeky clip!;)

This poster kills me everytime.

I read that is was the director that didn't want MARS in the title. I could be wrong about that point though. Still I find it kind of nuts not to have it in the title. Yeah I know all these MARS related films seem to be not doing too well over the last few years I still feel every film should be treated as it's own

Maybe Ugg make me want to see the movie now.;)

Yes what she did really angers me, but you have a great point when it comes to how she should repay society for her action. She does need to face up to what she is becoming!

Meth heads, crack heads just another waste on our society. Also they do so well in hurting others especially those close to them!

Such a great image to comment on this whole deal!;)

I am having some serious THE MIST type nightmare feelings looking at that picture! Forget guns give me a frackin rocket launcher!;)

I think he still wanted the rock to be attached to the chain so pow right in the kisser!

Works for me so far!

I can relate to much of the above big time! Seeing RAIDERS on the big screen wow is all I have to say! Yeah now more movie trailers almost show the whole film and usually the whole films are on the Internet and on DVD so soon after they are on the screen. Amazing how different it is these days when it comes to films.

I finally saw this film the other day and yeah it was pretty strange and not what I expected. Still I wish there had been a few more scene with the creepy alien creature.

I always dig space ship scenes. I created one myself the other day...

As much as a comic book fan I am and I also like SUPERMAN to this day I still have not read the Death of Superman comic or any of the issues just before or after it. It just did not grab me on any level and I can see I did not miss much. Still too bad they did not really had some creepy element to the Superman that

Ugg you are the best!

Actually it seemed like Traci Lords was pretty much clothed or it seemed to me she was to me. Ironically with her coming out of the porn industry you think they would of had her in racier outfits throughout that so called version of JC.;) Although it seems she wants that part of her life stricken from the record from

Gee reading comments to this article while eating and then thinking this whole idea is kind of shitty and I have lost my appetite over it all.;)

I am udderly mowing from what you have started here!;)