Rick Lucey

Didn't the first female character end up with her chopped off head in some tube and she was still alive for awhile. Such endings for those SLIDERS characters!;)

Bring on Doc Savage, The Shadow, etc. any day in my book. I was born after they came out and really still enjoy them like they were created just yesterday! I never understood people who don't want to experience stories, music, films, etc. from decades before they were born. They are missing out on so much good

Actually BATMAN is an icon that because of the various interpretations he has survived. Yes it would be great to have a character without a ton of continuity and baggage and have a nice streamlined story like a Harry Potter, but that does not always happen. In my own opinion which I could be proven wrong in, I feel


After looking at this I actually miss the old suit. But that is just me.

The time is so right for someone to start a Science Fiction channel! There are so many series and movies out there you could fill it with it is unreal. Hey it will happen sometime.;)

The answer someone needs to start a Science Fictions Channel and have an ironclad mission statement on what they are and stick to it!!!

Yes it is killing me!;)

Gee it has it all death by small car, goofy running beer belly creature, hip/tattooed scientist, scenes like out of your 90's CD Rom games. Scifrack Channel I double dog dare you to run this piece some Saturday night.;)

Actually JOHN CARTER stories came about way before AVATAR so AVATAR is a bit like the John Carter idea in the end result.

The Shackleton story is very amazing. It is amazing how tough some humans have had to be to survive a situation like that! Stories like that still happen to various degrees in this modern world.

I had most all of the Whelan covered books when I was a kid. So both Frazzeta and him really shape my John carter visions. I also was picking up the Marvel JC comic book series at the same time. So all that is mixed in my mind to a degree.

At least PLAN 9 keeps me entertained and is quite funny/charming. MANOS just caused a big yawn out of me and once was enough to view it, while PLAN 9 I have seen at least 5-6 times.

I am so with KEPinion on this one. I really like many low budget/B films, but this one just did not do it for m.

I did watch this MST3K free and many it got painfully boring. I wish now I had see the MST3K version of it.;)

Having finally seeing this in the last year I would say no. I also have to say this is coming from someone that just loves B-movies big time. I have grown up really digging many bad fun and whacked out films. It is just that this one bored me. It wasn't whacky or twisted enough or even funny. Of course that is my

Wow wasted time watching BRAZIL? Hard to believe a film like that could bore anyone. It had some great satire, some many great visuals, commentary that still works in today's world and just a wicked sense of dark humor. It also moved quite well as a film and I believe even had action in it. I find it a great and kick

I definitely see images to tie it to the first ALIEN film!

Yes I have heard they are both being rebooted. I really think you could make some fun and cool films from both properties. We will see it they can really do it this time around. I will be shocked if they come out really great. ;)

Still the cloud failed for me. I don't get this the film concept is a scifi fantasy deal to begin with what is wrong with a godlike alien with physical form. I mean there was a Silver guy zipping around on flying surf board. If the audience buys that then why can't they buy into wilder characters like a Galactus. I