Ultimate fail version more like the film itself. That is one film I don't mind gets rebooted!
Ultimate fail version more like the film itself. That is one film I don't mind gets rebooted!
I am so with your on your statement man! FF flicks failed in my book!
Okay why could we not get a Galactus like that ! Such epic fails those FANTASTIC FOUR films were in my book at least. Reboot them and have Brad Bird or someone like that direct them. Make them fun and Kirby like!!! Cheers.
Wow you hit the nail right on the head!
LOL you guys are killing me!;) Oh those 90's superhero times and how I just had no interest in any of it. I believe by then I was into stuff like HELLBOY, LOVE AND ROCKETS, etc. ;)
Although some of those same Image types jumped back to Marvel an DC a few times after they left. I did stop buying most of Marvel and some of DC when I saw how artists like Kirby, etc. were treated by them. I actually met Kirby a few times when he was having a battle with Marvel over getting his original art back.
LOL so true, so true!;)
Actually I like Image comics now. I just was never into their early superhero material. Go to their site and they have some fun books out now a days.
Funny how much that has been shared!;) It must ad something to Rob as he is still in demand. But hey if you can get work I say do it.;)
I actually believe he was still alive when this was made. Still a true gent and much more talented then these guys! I was lucky to meet Mr. Kirby a few times.
Hmmmm when I was a kid I like super heroes, but chains? What kid of kids does he know. Wow I just could never get into the Liefeld/McFarlane material. Is there something wrong with me? ;) Still many liked their stuff as they made big bucks! Oh well such is the public interest which I...well just don't buy.
We need a Science Fiction channel. Not a Scifrack channel!
Dear God we need a few star ships. Nice and fast ones! Also give us some wisdom, intelligence and a bit more kindness as we head out into deep space.;)
First tattooing of eyeballs and now this!? WTF are they feeding them in prison? Geez.;)
Shouldn't this also be WTF!?;)
So true angusm so true.;) The paradox of a very early pulp story having to be slightly dressed up for the early 21st century.;) Being a large budget scifi/fantasy film it is easy to understand the way they went though. Funny I have to wonder if Europe was more capable of doing large big budget scifi/fantasy films…
He fought for the south in the story.
One of the creepier more intense episodes! Living in east Texas many years ago I passed a few homes like these and wonder how was inside.;)
Yes I have to really agree with you there.
Funny I recall when some months back they had starting talking about a live action AKIRA made just like this one and there were mass complains and a negative buzz. When it was cancelled it seem like there was a big sigh of relief. Here we are round two and the negative buzz has started up again. I guess it seems like…