Let's just say I will be more shocked if it works and many people including AKIRA fans like it.
Let's just say I will be more shocked if it works and many people including AKIRA fans like it.
It is a pre f$%ked up film just for us!;) Hey I keep saving money with many films these days as most just don't seem worth my time.
Must have lab coat or EPIC FAIL.;)
Okay I will reserve my hate till is it out and I have walked out.;) I think many of us have become so jaded with CGI effects we have this automatic hate response. I find if the film is written well enough and the characters engage me I will overlook any dodgy effects. I do have to say sometimes I hear people proclaim…
Good old UFO yeah what a wacky show in many ways but so much fun on other levels. I watched it as a kid when it was on TV so like you I have a soft spot for it!;)
Yeah the TOY STORY trilogy pretty much rocks. It hits all the story beats so damn good!
Interesting about the CARS those are the only two PIXAR films I have not seen yet. I am sure they are okay I just haven't had the overriding interest in seeing them yet. Seems like there are many others with this feel. Still I have to say Pixar is a powerhouse and I feel most all of there films of theirs I have seen…
Have you seen their ITALIAN SPIDERMAN web series! So damn good!
Dressed like the prisoner on top of that!;)
Why try to hate what is so much fun? Just go with it!;)
I believe it was posted here a few weeks ago.
This is so excellent!!!
LOL I am with you there!
Gee loueez nature freaks the heck out of me. To think I have slept out and in nature under the stars where any parasitic creature could of come up and moved in. Hmmm maybe one did.;) Gee this goes in the really creepy file!
Those pesky Martian creatures from the H.G. Wells story have been hiding in our seas all these years. We are on to them now! ;)
LOL that was a painful BAT film in so many ways!
I will miss that wacky fun BATMAN THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD! It definately went out in a fun way! My tribute image I created to it!
You are so correct I will miss that show! My tribute image to it.
Yeah the Scifrack channel has become such a major letdown in the end. You know someone out there should try to start a Science-fiction channel. There are more that enough films, and TV shows that could fill it with! ;)