I figured eventually AMC would try some Scifi as they are going down the genre list. Here is hoping for something good!
I figured eventually AMC would try some Scifi as they are going down the genre list. Here is hoping for something good!
I saw it after school in TX I seem to recall seeing enough episodes that I may have seen everything that was brought over here at the time. As kids some of the story lines and characters really grabbed us. Things changed and it seemed a bit deeper than most action cartoons of the time. So yeah it may not be perfect…
Yeah I was sort of following it myself on the Scifrack channel and then it just sort of vanished. Although as a kid I was lucky enough to see most of the series. Most of it held up okay although some parts seemed a bit clunky to me now. Still a fun show.
THE GATE= Creepy, creepy, creepy!!! Consider me creeped out! Yeah the image at the top image coming across that bloke in a dark hallway!
LOL lately it seems like non WTF articles are just a WTF to me.;) Still I enjoyed this quite funny!
Something about the original STAR TREK music. I wish more of it appeared in these new films!
I am with you there pal!
If I think too much about this I make become the evil dead of logic lost!;)
Gee the club seems to be getting bigger!;)
I say you are so right about that.
Great film and most excellent soundtrack. Back when titles like this met a good film.
LOL so true, so true!
I could ask why oh why but I give up. Hollywood just grind in up baby and make it hurt!!!
Easy now you make be making too much sense here. Actually I have thought that some of these entertainment big wigs should have a group under them to really find out with using the Internet as one method what people think of their product or similar things. I know they do some focus group stuff, etc at times, but they…
Hmmm shouldn't this be a WTF deal.;)
Yeah rough but learning times.;)
Still have not seen either film so I guess I am still not missing much?
I don't know I got the feeling they didn't think the threat was the bad. But that is just me. Also it didn't hurt that part of where I live was shown in the film.;)
Let me be shocked if this reboot is any good, fun, whacked out or has anything close to the spirit of the originals!;)
LOL dat be good!;)