Rick Lucey

Actually I believe Moebius was one of the concept artists for the film. So I can see why it was like a live action HM film. Seems like there may be a few others. Heck MAD MAX is some ways fits into a HM live film also.

Picture please and thanks!;)

Drag you are just taking the fun out of it now.;)

I am with you there. This clip and others from the CD Universe Online cinematics are just so badass and should be used as a template for many superhero films!

Wow. I dig Batman.

Wait a minute sir you are applying...LOGIC stop that stuff! ;)

You seem to have an interesting idea going on there. Never have been a huge Punisher fan and this series if it follows the basic TV plan seems doomed pretty quickly.

Geez don't give them any ideas now!;)

Gee the future who would of thought it was so bright...

Gee we are preparing the kids for something in the future.;) Or maybe a rift has be found. Man I thought we had some toy guns back in the day.;)

It is all about the script for this deal. I think a good strong TWILIGHT ZONE story can be any length if done right. To me I think they are probably stronger as short stories. So it will be interesting to see how this plays out. The thing is usually things like this don't work out to well so here is hoping I am

There are many MST3K episodes I have missed and here is another one! Thanks for the info.

Funny you bring up these ideas in your post as I was thinking the same things. The horror to me was the dysfunction of the family. Trying to work out things and failing in many ways. Also the father dealing with his former mistress and lying right to his wife more elements that are not too pleasant in the end.

This is a tragic show with Walter in the center of it all and I really dig that. Nothing like a scifi/fantasy show with flawed characters. That scene with Olivia in the hotel going over what a sad life he has his son and wife dead, ending up a mental patient. Not a pretty picture yet you want this character to

Gee now that is a serious baby or is that BABY MAN tiny tot terror on all crime! Or something like that geez I should go to bed soon! ;)

Like in BATMAN BEGINS his appearance created elements like the Joker, etc. So you must happen seeing the toehr side has happened.;)

LOL you are killing me!;)

Funny stuff I have heard of this and it looks like some actual actors from the BOND series was in this. ;)

Actually it was different agents with the same name James Bond. It has been an idea floated around and some would love to see a film with all the Bond actors together. Me I can live without this idea.

I wish I could go back in time and trick Connery into doing that film somehow. To me it is so close to being a great film. If only he had done it and it drives me nuts that he did do two more Bond films after this!