Rick Lucey

I would dig seeing a well made WORLD"S FINEST film someday! As for the FANTASTIC FOUR films they had little bits of the magic but overall just did not do it for me. Someone really needs to look at the Jack Kirby FF comics for the main source of inspiration! They are films I just have no desire to revisit. A better FF

Wow a court date like they are going to let him appear in court wearing a costume. His superhero career is over.

I would say the road gave at least the realistic feel of what a post-apocalyptic world like that would be. MAD MAX more a Heavy Metal/Western version. Still fun film.

You are so right about this m9105826 most of us have a untamed beast in us just wanting to get out. Luckily most of us keep it contained and the reinforcement of a stable society also helps in this. If all things break loose for quite some while look out many of us will become exactly what we hate. It is a very

So true that Mad Max guy always had the right idea!;)

Geez it is like many parts of my child hood on Super 8! Fun little film from those innocent times or were they? ;)

LOL I live in SF so I am in a big city also. If I was independently wealthy I would have a second home in the mountains somewhere well stocked with the works. As it is now I would be sort of screwed or I would have to go MAD MAD MAX.;) Here is to hoping everything keeps working.

She is both Lois Lane and Lana Lang. Saves on casting.;)

The best part of SUPERMAN III.

Carl rocked and I loved that show much!

SkippyTheMarine you are so right on in your writings here. With the thin blue line, the power grid working, stores stocked, etc. going on okay society functions. Damage all that or take it away for many weeks you better find a good group of people to hang with and hope your survival skills of some sort kick in. I

I loved the old LL books. I remember writing Dan when he did those and he would send me back cool post cards. Very cool creator and very fun material by him!

I like both versions of THE THING. I do feel Carpenter's was a closer adaption to the original story if I am not mistaken.

Many of you including me agree on your point!


I am with all of you on your points! I never could get into the BM series between BMTAS and BMTBAB though.

I have to agree with you. Although until I see it I really can't give a strong opinion, but the synopsis of it just makes it seem not so good.

I dug the BMTAS in the 90's and THE BRAVE AND BOLD but this one is really going to be hard to like just by what I have read about it. The other DC shorts, etc. sound really great though. Make a continuation of the 90's BM series or continue the BRAVE AND THE BOLD is what I would of gone with.

Gee as much as I like what Gene Roddenberry created on one level. Taken to all his levels I am glad he had some checks and balances. Talk about making a very bland product if he had his way with everything. He was a very flawed yet interesting creator in many ways. I guess in the end very human.;) TNG to me was

I agree very much!;)