Gee okay unless you get a new generation to read your comics you are going to end up with no readers in the end. Really think about that.
Gee okay unless you get a new generation to read your comics you are going to end up with no readers in the end. Really think about that.
I also caught that one and it was also excellent. Like any series that is of a certain quality you are bound to have a few not so good episodes and then have ones that just knock it out of the park!
Hey I see some television shows the are better written and more interesting than many films. It just sounds like Patrick Wilson who I think is a great actor did not pick one of the better written shows. I have to wonder what kind of agent he has as just the idea of this show sounds like loser ville in my book at least.
I know heels look great on women but all these superhero films with female character running around in them. Of course you can always see the stunt women with flats. ;) LOL It is interesting in comics I do some some artists draw their female superhero types with flatter boots or very low heals. The recent Catwoman…
Yeah I am surprised with what I am seeing. Part of it looks good but the heels on her totally impractical unless there is a reason for the look at this moment. So I am going to wait for the final context.
It is wild all those abandoned cities in this world. I used to love to explore and photograph abandoned places in the outback of east Texas back in the day.
Jose Chung's From Outer Space another classic episode in so many ways. It had every emotional beat along with some great homages. Basically it is an episode I can many times and still dig!
Funny you may find some of the stand alone episodes better than the arc ones. I would watch them all. Remember even the best series have a few bad apple episodes. ;)
HOME damn now that was an episode the creeped me out big time! Small towns with battered homes with mysterious families inside always does it too me!;) Hard to believe how much time has passed since the days of the X-FILES. Seems like just yesterday the truth was out there.
I had forgotten about Space Battleship Yamato. Did that ever get released in the US? The trailer looked fun!
You are so right on this area MMM! I also agree with others saying there is just too much pop culture stuff out there.
I caught STAR WARS in the summer of '77 in the Dallas area. I recall seeing the TV commercials for it and just wanted to see it so bad! When I finally caught it in the theater I was blown away again! I could not wait to get any STAR WARS item that came out at that time. Mainly I was into books and models and stuff…
I kind of like what these people where doing with a VOYAGER game engine they created a first person shooter called THE ARGUS EFFECT. []
Man I forgot to watch this last night. Do the episodes get repeated over the next few days. I don't think I have seen them ON DEMAND. Hmmmm off to search...
Humans are their own worst enemy in the end and it just doesn't seem to be changing much.
Boy it just goes to show we are still so primitive with our space tech that we can't seem to have any system to get back and forth to the space station. Man I sometimes feel bummed out to be in such a time where we can dream and start to approach space but our so very limited in our means. Still at the same time…
Wow a great collection you have thanks for the link!
The Pulp covers just do it for me everytime! They just have the vision grabbing thing for me that grab me more and more each year. I sense in the near future I will being doing more homages to them.
Just go with the collected trades start with the first collection and have a blast!
Still a mystery to me. I never once bought into any of that early Image art material. Of course for kids it worked for them so they bought it up big time. Ask most of them now and they probably can't believe they were into it all.