Just go for the collected trades and start with the first one. They are all a great read along with great art. Enjoy.
Just go for the collected trades and start with the first one. They are all a great read along with great art. Enjoy.
Bye, bye WD TV show...
You are great! I was at SDCC and I would of given you a high five for that shirt if I had only seen you! You know we need a Science Fiction channel one of this days. So my new motto for them is when is a Scifi Channel not a Scifi Channel? When it is a SYFY Channel.;) Sorry I could not help myself there.;)
Thanks for the link.
I really wish that would collect the Jim Steranko OUTLAND story seeing I never had all of those Heavy Metal issues. To this day I just don't understand why they have not done that.
Another great adaption I have that one also.
I was lucky enough to buy this when it came out and damn it still holds up so well. Simonson is such a great storyteller!
Yeah I recall that story. Yes like you that BM would be more in my price range.;)
Wow to be a person driving down the road and seeing this drive by what an amazing moment that would of been. Just for a sec you could image being in the BM universe. ;) It is amazing what some people out there create when they put their mind to it!
Two Face is such a bad ass Batman villain. Of course it also depends on the writer/directer/etc how well he comes off. BATMAN FOREVER worst Two Face ever.;) Case closed.
There still are making them you just have to look. Hey I still enjoy the BATMAN THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD even though it has a different feeling from the 90's Batman show. For some reason I could not get into THE BATMAN the animated series between the 90's show and this newest one. Not sure why maybe it was the look or…
You are correct!
I am with your there it was a great one. I also have to say one of my favorite parts of the Frank Miller THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS was the Harvey Dent part!
His stuff is so damn good. It is like dreams projected!
His stuff is so damn good. It is like dreams projected!
I have read a few positive things from some very advanced screenings. Of course did I read something true.;) Still I am such a CA/Kirby fan I will go see this like I saw THOR and heck I enjoyed THOR so here is hoping for another win!
Seeing I will be there that is something I could get with.;)
Doesn't CAPTAIN AMERICA come out the weekend of SDCC? I guess the secret preview screenings would be in the first few days of the Con.
Heck someone start a Sciencefiction channel!
How Rob Liefeld's stuff makes it as far as it does just blows my mind! How The Amazing Screw-On Head did not become a series also blows my mind!;) I can't recall the voting results for it, but it got my vote!