
She spent $120 dollars on in-game purchases before coming to the conclusion that money makes certain mechanics move faster and realizing how bad that actually is? Well, at least she did reach the conclusion and made the right choice in the end, but still, the publisher has now 120 USD more, thus her engagement with

It is! I sucked in my breath when reading the PTWS line. That’s exactly the sort of environment that made me quit a national non profit after six months. I still think about dropping a line to my old bosses, letting them know how well I’m doing at my new job, I just got a raise bitches!

The problem is the time spent covering the spawn could have also been spent taking turf back from the enemy which would not only boost your own score but lower theirs. That’s not to say it completely isn’t worth doing, but it’s not like it’s the sole reason they lost.

If I recall correctly, most people who played Splatoon 1 a lot established that you should basically get to the center as fast as possible on initial spawn to establish control of the middle of the map, then have somebody ink the spawn/home area after they inevitably die. That way, you establish map control quickly

In the case of the offending video, it was entirely his action. He didn’t actually take the clip itself, but he did pay for it to be made in the first place through the freelance work site Fiverr. And he specifically chose what would be said/shown in it. Then he (or his video editor, if he has one/some) put it into

You could make this list 100 games long and still be leaving good games off.

Another example how is our world rotten.

I’m sure almost everyone has a brain there, they just get overridden by the idiot in charge.

But people aren’t born black.

I’m getting really tired of having to mod or hack my Nintendo games to play them as they should have been played to begin with. I really hope Nintendo (especially NoA) learns to read the room a little bit better when the Switch drops.

Nintendo dropping the ball on an obvious feature again. It’s like they’re still living in a cave.

Missed opportunity for a ‘Nintendon’t’ reference..

I know they can be useful when trying to catch shinies and for additional training, but yeah I usually just find them annoying since I don’t care about either of those. I’m just trying to work my way through the game. And it’s even worse if I’m trying to catch it because it’s weirdly impossible to aim the pokeball

It’s really obnoxious that there’s not a limit on how often they can call for help, or even restrictions on when they can. I’ve gotten stuck in, what? 10-round chains? because the original Pokemon—who is missing just a fraction of its HP—calls for help and gets it on every turn.

It’s less about difficulty and more about pure annoyance.

I mean I get the thought behind it. Wild animal calling for help when it’s in trouble and when manipulated easier shinies... but it happen far too often for it to be acceptable. Even if it were limited to one or a rare two times in a regular battle I’d be much more okay with it. Locking so many Pokemon behind SOS

SOS battles are the worst thing they could have thought of and should have only been reserved for Totem Pokemon. Nerdrage’s comic nails how horrible of an idea they are.

When Ni No Kuni came out, I talked like Drippy for at least a week.