
This cannot even qualify as a game... This isn’t even entertaining.

We need laws defining what gambling is and that it has NO PLACE in gaming. Like, if you pay real money for in-game currency, and that is used to roll a dice for an all-or-nothing bet, that GAMBLING. And not gaming. Pokémon Shuffle is gambling. South Part : Phone Destroyer is gambling. Loot boxes are gambling. Won’t

It’s stuffed zucchinis, like stuffed tomatos. Lasagne is the pasta, there’s no pasta in this :) Vegetable lasagna would be a layered pasta bake with vegetable filling and supposedly no meat.

A glimmer of hope for Nintendo... Aaaaand of course this feature is plagued by stupidity. Nintendo will never get anything right, and now that it won’t die as a manufacturer, I guess my refusal to deal with their stupidity means no more Nintendo for me.

Your “opinion” is called homophobia.

I think Spirit of Justice was the better game, and Xenoblade deserves a mention.

Really ? Right in front of my salads ?

Terrible choice of “glyphs” they all look the same save fort the yellow one, and the red and blue one are almost exactly alike. Also, someone hand me a pair of binoculars so I can actually spot them...

Now playing

Pretty much. :/ I remember Clash on the Big Bridge, when your ass gets handed to you by the secret boss.

He’s right. The bokeh effect on the foreground when coins are seen inside a cardboard structure is a telltale that it is indeed the same engine. The poor, flat architecture too. (which was never so much a design choice but a flaw in PM Color Splash.)

Deepest, or most abysmal ?

That “frying” joke is despicable. Yet, it’s still humour. Dark, crass humour, but still there’s “wit”. There’s a pause, and “I see what you did there” and probably a shiver and some baby puke. Ordering people to hold a banner saying “Death to all Jews” is not a joke, is not witty, and I think PewDiePie and his

Wow, I hardly knew the guy and loathed him instantly, a few days back from today. But seing him burst in flames and crash miserably and then burst back in flames again... is oh-so satisfying.

You’re saying he uploaded the video. Was PDP’s video itself a direct feed or was it a selection of fanmade sequences curated by someone, and then submitted to this celebrity ? Did he still choose to upload the vid after the fact ? And what about the “daring” aspect ? Did he really dare people to utter antisemitic

How come you’re always such a fussy young man

Not a surprise. And this behaviour is also found in fans, in the form of mobbing, trolling and harrassment. “Quit playing if you don’t like it”, “then why did you go so far into it, if you weren’t having the best fun ever ?” Etc.  

There it is !! Thanks :)

No need to go back in time, I can totally picture caveman Rumpf and caveman Groang fiercely entangled in turf war and then... “Gnruugh ? -Hurg !! -Hur ! -Hur ! Hur !”

“Are we the baddies ?”