
Are you saying they don’t? What the hell have I been eating then?

I’ll keep my amateur status, thank you very much. It’s about the art, man.

oh huh that actually does make a lot of sense. Because they know full well there’s nothing they can do about it. The thing which makes them (they think) superior in all other ways makes them inferior in the one way that really counts. Ugh and yikes. Thanks for explaining it that way though

i still have it on. so what i copied and pasted from the article did say drumpf. but i always type drumpf myself when i dare speak about him :)

2.2 Billion

Hughes says, “[Say] Either a) I’m going to vote for Donald Drumpf because I do not support Hillary Clinton or b) I’m gonna be quiet about it, and let things go his way, sit this election out.”

They probably have a $49.95 adapter for that.

Well, no White man is going to ever want to step into the Oval Office after his dick has been swinging around in it. Thank goodness that’s not an issue for at least 4-8 years.

400 years of Fear of a Black Penis > 8 Years of a Black President.

It really can’t be understated how much American racism involves discomfort and obsession with black penises. From their being a constant target in lynchings (castrated and kept as keepsakes) to the protection of white women as potential targets of black men to white men’s discomfort with engaging in relationships

Poor puppy.

doing it very wrong or very right

Apart from the bumper detail, women kind of already do this and are more dangerous, to me, in a fight, because they know what to go for and how to make you squeal and also I’m hyper-competitive and will fucking win no matter what.

Will people forget her “Jesus and Santa were white” rant? I’m not sure she has anywhere else to go.

I think she’s aiming for ABC or NBC. She pretty much said she wants to be Barbara Walters in a recent interview.


if only there was a way to get facial hair without the hassle..............