
who the fuck is john cook

at least we don’t have a jew in the Oval Office, am i rite, southerners?

Who in TrumPutin’s White House Hasn’t Met With Russians?

rick perry is just itchin’ to get at that russian oil money. the department wont be entirely destroyed, but it will now work on behalf of exxonmobil and the russian government. like the department of evil energy. Алты́нного во́ра ве́шают, а полти́нного че́ствуют. 

can...can i say wypipo? 

No, he seriously hates marijuana. What kind of person in this day and age hates marijuana?

Portraits of Courage: A Commander in Chief’s Tribute to America’s Warriors

of course. did you think that extremely minimal improvements in race relations in the south in the last few years were because of the benevolence of its good white folk? fuck no. equality was cool then and the feds weren’t completely full of fucking klan members.

i just learned what “wypipo” means and thats pretty funny. nice. 

11. He singles out John McCain and makes fun of his limp

except there is little to no chance that your child son uses that bear to accidentally kill his sister

this is a good idea but would be better if it was 50% smaller. they should do that. i would buy all of them.

yes it goes pedos > snitches > face biters

“But we can’t get angry or change too quickly, that’s what republicans want! They’re angry too and we can’t be like them! Remember when those radical leftists burned that DC limo?! Property damage is unacceptable. For shame.”

Easter: the concerted effort to make children nationwide think that rabbits lay eggs

Gary/Jeb ‘16: Why are you even interviewing me? Please clap.

ill take Who Is Going To Drown? for 400, Alex

So if you’re a web browser, your TouchBar shows you your favorites. You can slide along and tap.

i had to check whether or not i had actually turned off the plugin that turns all Trump into Drumpf