
It really can’t be understated how much American racism involves discomfort and obsession with black penises. From their being a constant target in lynchings (castrated and kept as keepsakes) to the protection of white women as potential targets of black men to white men’s discomfort with engaging in relationships

Poor puppy.

doing it very wrong or very right

Apart from the bumper detail, women kind of already do this and are more dangerous, to me, in a fight, because they know what to go for and how to make you squeal and also I’m hyper-competitive and will fucking win no matter what.

Will people forget her “Jesus and Santa were white” rant? I’m not sure she has anywhere else to go.

I think she’s aiming for ABC or NBC. She pretty much said she wants to be Barbara Walters in a recent interview.

I think she stays at FoxNews and takes over the primetime slot.

We don’t understand most of them anyway.

I wish my parents were rich and famous so they could finance my Beck-backed karaoke dreams :(

my skinny jeans are too tight for pockets so they just have fake ones, so idk what i’m supposed to do now

how subversive! a MAN staying home with his KIDS??!?!


5 + (-sqrt(1-x^2-(y-abs(x))^2))*cos(30*((1-x^2-(y-abs(x))^2)))


if only there was a way to get facial hair without the hassle..............