
what if live action Wonder Woman fought like a super powered viking warrior, like dismembering dudes all over the place and getting bloody as hell. no flying around or lassoing anyone, just raging out and killing hundreds of people with an axe. that’s the movie I wanna see.

omg keep politics out of my videogames. i thought this was Kotaku not My Vag Hurts Weekly. why isnt hillary clinton in a costume? male lives matter too. we are figuratively dying over here

anti-depressant stocks are going to plummet. what have we done

i like to think that the Clinton campaign had a substantial role in this media blitz, and all throughout the debate Hillary was thinking to herself “this is already over you fucking idiot”

there are just a lot of angry old people in the uk; theyre downright führious

Below the Mason-Dixon: A Man’s Guide To Auto-Fellatio

my god its like im living in a dream

is it possible to just stay as the bird and not complete the mission? what about aerial attacks? Battlefield 1.5: War Pigeons: Death From Above

an engineering degree helps, but its not totally necessary. just apply centrifugal force, transfer some heat energy, make use of your levers and pulleys, and bam! you have brought her to orgasm or built a treehouse, both desirable outcomes.

lol i was thinking catbutts. still technically pussy, right?

in his defense it is hard to see what Megyn Kelly looks like behind all of the blood

ha how is one a “bad sexer”? just fanagle the sproket, twist that whowhatsit, and quickly fiddle-faddle your way to o-town. simple.

Also girls send ass pics to @Meepysheepy.

its...its like heaven

if youre on birth control, youre probably in close contact with at least one man. maybe that man is a republican. thats pretty depressing. simple.

i think they keep a list of all the dicks theyve banned from jez at one time or another so they dont ungray dicks when they make new accounts. i am one of those dicks and harbor no hope for freedom

“Katrina, do you think that that’s fair? Because people will say the same thing about you,” Lemon says. “That you’re supporting Donald Trump for fifteen minutes of fame.”

it would depend on how well i knew Donald Trump at the time. knowing then what i know now, i would realize that by “STEAKS!” he really means “frozen off-brand steaks that i stole from my contractors without paying them”