Rick Furnival

You’re much younger than me, and I expect for you to recover. Just try your best to be patient. FYI, I meant to mention that your post reminded me to chuck the helmet I was wearing at the time into the dumpster. (It’s still hanging around.) We need to remember these are one-time-use items when it comes to impacts.


“Intriguing, but ambiguous. I don’t know about you, but I “notice” my car “pulls harder” after a fresh wash.”

Drive it yes — Just not in Rappahannock County, VA.

The end made it all worthwhile. Funny.

Have fun, Doug!

Today, my Passat and I were almost t-boned in the city by some moron driving 60 in a 25. I hit the pedal and managed to escape harm. Afterwards, all I could think of is — “I’ve got to protect this sled until October.”

I have two that come to mind. The first is almost mirrored by the photo above, in that it was a Z-car. It was a 280-ZX (2+2) owned by a girl I once dated. Both the car and the girl were lacking in excitement.

Correct Doug, no worries here — unlike us VW TDI owners :)

God, I hate all these new cars with RGCC. My old Escort Redline sings all the way to work every day, with some douche noodle camped out in the left lane. The SUVs are especially egregious, and I believe I’ve come to love CAFE because of them.

Oh my God. That place in this photo is legend in my family for the place dad lost his shit, back in the summer of 2002. It's a very long story, but suffice it to say that the $2.85 gas (when regular was going for around $2.00) caused a near melt down of which I am not a proud man. #FinacialPressure.

Yes. As a 58 year old dude, my immediate thought at reading that line was — Doug hasn’t seen my 401-k statement.

I’ll go you one better — I have my UPS driver’s cell number. He’s a good dude.

Ashamed, I admit to putting “SS” badges on my old 2007 Chevy Avalanche LT.

Dammit Doug, I was going to get one of these for my Volkswagen Passat to try to distract from the fact that it is belching NOx like a WWII battleship. Now you’ve shown me the error in my potential folly. Plus, you probably saved me from a ticket (I live in Virginia).

Came in to say this year (1974) but nothing needs to be added to this post. Yes, fuck 1974.

The included photo of the Wagoneer cinches it for me. In my Piedmont Virginia community, these became de rigueur for the landed gentry, and horse crowd. There was an explosion of these on the daily scene beginning in 1977, or so. I recall almost every one of the successful people I knew having one. I was but a poor

The interior photo, placed just below the paragraph mentioning the Golf interior was notable, for me. The interior in these cars turn me off — so much. Even the non-ST models are awful, but the neon bits plastered everywhere are just so bad. I guess I am just to old for one of these cars, but I really hate to admit

The day after Christmas, in 1993, I set out for New Hampshire (from Virginia) with my wife, four-year-old son, and 16-month old daughter. We were driving my wife’s ‘88 Honda Accord, with the kids strapped into their car seats. Sadly, my lovely bride had a wicked case of digestive distress, requiring stops at nearly

“It’s a high-rise double pump.”