Important lesson about Trump’s popularity: It isn’t based on what he thought, said or believed, it was based solely because he told ignorant racist bigots what they wanted to hear. The second he stops telling him that, they’ll turn on him.
Important lesson about Trump’s popularity: It isn’t based on what he thought, said or believed, it was based solely because he told ignorant racist bigots what they wanted to hear. The second he stops telling him that, they’ll turn on him.
Bush approves bailout[edit]
45 sets a very low bar. And every time I think it can’t get sinks a few more inches into the ground.
Also, I think she needs to do an Eartha Kitt biopic.
God she’s a gorgeous human. And she’s aged like fine fucking wine. I love watching her eat scenery in Westworld and kill us all with an eyebrow.
They both have to fight Nicolas Cage?
The #MeToo movement never really hit sports.
Sounds like the Asian market bike will weigh about the same as an American market rider
Ideally you have a backup before your drive starts failing.
The soul of America is its wang.
As a Clevelander, Winter Soldier let me experience what so many Los Angelinos and Torontans and Noo Yawkuhs do, which was watch a chase scene through a city street that makes absolutely no sense. “They just passed that same building! Twice! They just turned from one street directly onto a parallel street! They just…
So he drove it 16 times?
“Everything’s coming up ‘Peterman’”
If you think the college teams are actually nurturing these kids in the way you describe, Urban Meyer would like a word with you.
How these characters were written and portrayed in the comic, do not matter. If you want the comic/comic characters, read the comic.
The Norton movie played it a lot safer than Ang Lee’s. And as a result, it was as flavorless as week-old chewing gum. Sure, it avoided the laugh-out-loud ridiculous stuff like the Hulkdogs and Nolte’s [literal!] scenery-chewing ... but it also lacked the earlier movie’s emotional intelligence and crazed verve. For all…
We’re just going to write an article about THE Sandusky Ohio and NOT mention Callahan Auto Parts?