the trick is that the odds of having the first 10 cards black and 3 red are the same as 10 red and 3 black. For every situation where you could have an advantage there is an opposite situation where you have the same disadvantage.
the trick is that the odds of having the first 10 cards black and 3 red are the same as 10 red and 3 black. For every situation where you could have an advantage there is an opposite situation where you have the same disadvantage.
At least now he knows... and knowing is half the battle!
Navigation/infotainment. I already have a phone, just give me a good place to plug it in. I can handle music and navi. Hell, make an app for all the other smart features and let the phone do the rest.
I don’t understand why modern cars have to have all these smart features and touch screens. I can get into any car built since 90's and have all these features since I (and literally everyone else buying a new car) already own a phone. I’d line up for an electric car that did away with digital everything.
Its gotta be better than Jolt... right??
Reminds me of Sky Odyssey on PS2.... which is reigniting 20 year old anxiety.
That “tool” you need is a penny, an actual penny. The cut in the screw is even curved to accommodate it.
I’m still amazed that this is coming so close to Shang-Chi. Its one of those Deep Impact/Armageddon situations. One has an unknown character from everyone’s favorite franchise, the other has everyone’s favorite character from a franchise that we forgot about.
Cyberpunk 2077 on Sega Saturn.
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy.
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy.
I’m pretty sure that the “town” set was exactly the same set as the “town” on Tatooine last season on the Mandalorian (just more purple). Too lazy to find screenshots.
Where is Paddington?
There’s a full size replica of Noah’s Arc in Kentucky. Not that it makes this make any more sense, but there’s a precedent for dumb tourist boats in land locked places.
A case could be made, but Speed Racer has a completeness to it. Alita is unfinished.
The correct answer is “the sequel to Alita Battle Angel” and then none.
People that pull up to stop lights a full car length ahead of the white line and then have to back up when a semi turns left in to the lane next to them.
I bought a black 1998 Regal GS that was nearly identical to this for $4000... in 2006.
Its not hard