The “safety slingshot” never gets old
The “safety slingshot” never gets old
Charger Fan Justin Halpern is a wise wise man. I managed to take off my Browns shit pants but I’ve still got both legs in my Bills shit Zubaz. (Yes,due to a fluke in my upbringing, those are my two teams, I don’t deserve your pity)
So watch Amazon Prime. Got it.
To be fair, jeans were a little different in the 90's
I was fine with Toby McGuire at the time, until I read their first choice was Topher Grace I really think it was a missed opportunity (also, this in no way makes him qualified to play Venom.)
Bless um
Its was a “Nintendo” until the SNES came out. You had to differentiate the two (we still said “Regular Nintendo” pretty often). Also, around that time your parents started calling every video game “Nintendo” so you definitely couldn’t call it that.
Even if her “elephant wanting clothes” sixth sense is correct, he’s new here! He doesn’t know where to shop! Go with him to the store!
Yeah! If you have an appointment 10 miles away and you go 20 MPH over the speed limit you can make up like almost 3 minutes! That’s.. wait... well it feels like i’m making up a lot of time.
Welcome to the time loop.
Actually... is Macaulay Culkin available to star?
I got some weird looks the other day at baseball game for walking through the concourse while the national anthem was playing (the flag was not visible from this part of the stadium except on some TV screens yet over 50% of the crowd had stopped to watch). Personally, I felt it was my patriotic duty as an American to…
I didn’t realize this was an issue. My roommate’s 2011 Sonata burnt to the ground about 3 month ago. No prior issues. Just started smoking while he was driving.
“I meant to say not Death” lineup
They need to make the animals less likable. Maybe give them profiles too. Larry the Buck, enjoys talking at the movies. Dan the Elk, talks down to service workers. Sara the Moose smokes in the car with her baby mooses.
I guess after a Taco Bell run you’d learn what the 3 shells are for pretty fast.
I’d like to see him fight Paper and lose. Then train through a series of montages to ultimately come back and beat scissors.
Don’t sell yourself short. For millions of dollars the vast majority of us could find a way to be in superhero shape. Celebrities don’t get tested for performance enhancing drugs the way pro athletes either.
One thing that the craft bars near me have been doing more and more (maybe like 80% of them) is adding a cheap mass produced light beer. Don’t get me wrong, I love me some real beer, but if my weekend activities are going to make it an all day all night affair (bender?) I can’t suddenly double the ABV and triple the…
I’d love to see it as a set of flash backs (which is how its told in The Killing Joke), except that the flashbacks don’t actually flow together so you’re left asking yourself if that’s really what happened.