Rick Cavaretti

They’re trucks.  Who cares?

Sure is great that Governor Abbott is spending money to put razor wire in a river and pay some gun thugs to harass both immigrants and federal border patrol workers, instead of fixing the electrical grid that seems to fail at least yearly. This republican trifecta government sure is working out well for everyday

Ah, Texas. The shining star of the south.

CenterPoint had plenty of time to learn from their mistakes the first time, but supposedly didn’t preposition their assets properly this time.

Anything Diaper Don says is bullshit. End of story.

Maybe it’s time for the Utility workers to pull out for a bit until people start acting right

The convicted felon is such a dimwit he’s stepping on the toes of one major  contributors in Musk. I’ve read Elon will be spending $180 million to get the con-man his office back.

tRump is an idiot and a traitor.  So is anyone that still supports him.

You should see the HVAC, plumbing, electrical, and structural issues that come with new build homes these days. It’s embarrassing.

Strange that nobody’s articulating the disconnect here between people’s vehicle buying habits and their garage situation.

Pretty easy to explain the origin of a gated community having that specific rule. I do kind of like how now that conservative culture requires massive pickup trucks it’s backfired on them.

Listen, I think the culture of leather equipped luxury pickups is stupid, too, but that’s neither here no there. These HOA’s are just inane and enforcing bylaws that keep people from parking a personal vehicle in their own driveways is just obscene.

Some residents have taken to parking their trucks in a pay lot over half a mile from the neighborhood”

Why do people live in Florida again?

It feels terribly insensitive, coming so soon after President Trump’s attempted assassination.

I support removal of Confederate flags but I’m concerned about the timing of this particular removal.” - We’ve had since 1865 to not fly these shit-stained rags. The timing of recent events is literally irrelevant. This flag is up to send a message, and the message is “The South will rise again/white

You think it’s “insensitive” to remove a Confederate flag after Trump’s attempted assassination? Why is that? What does this flag have to do with Trump? Because it shouldn’t have anything to do with him. He’s running for President of the United States, isn’t he? I feel like he should want to support the removal of a

Lowering a flag is not an act of violence. It this case, it may be an unlawful act, but that’s not the same thing at all.