Rick Cavaretti

This must be the “eating ass” that all the kids are talking about.

Not convinced until I see a scope hooked up to a phone’s microphone present a signal while the phone is in a stand-by mode and not being actively used. 

Yes.  It’s Google. 

Trump U 2, with no disrespect to Bono and the guys.

Absolutely. The more data any one entity has on you, the more they can use it to their advantage against you. 

Your data, including email and images, spreadsheets, documents, etc, is about to become inaccessible to you by any method other than what google provides. Is this price of free internet storage (again with singular and absolutely corporate control, including the possibility of being in-appealably locked out) of data

Well yeah this gives them sole control of the data scraped and can then further their advertising monopoly. It’s not like they won’t freely hand it to anyone willing to pay so it doesn’t cut the thousands out just makes it’s pay to play. So sure nothing will go wrong shortly afterward.

Websites can ask Chrome what categories you’re in, but they won’t be able to figure out exactly who you are...

The school plans to pursue accreditation from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges

The problem with edumucating conservative STEM students is that they will be one dimensional. As Luke Skywalker once said, “these are not the droids you’re looking for”. Tesla needs free thinking STEM workers to keep Tesla and ahead of the rest of the auto world. He will not find them at Musk U. There just aren’t that

I think he was also mad that Grimes could track him and he didn’t want to get served papers. 

America’s continuing judicial theater of the absurd.  Many judges owe their allegiance to dogma and/or money.  Anything seems possible as we watch America fail.

It will get those gun-toting wingnuts salivating.

It totally is a tough sell and an immensely stupid idea, but it scares the hell out of me that the current Supreme Court could buy it.

“False advertising is protected by the first amendment” seems like a tough sell. Imagine how much worse things will be if they win this case?

Do your friends never read their email? Google sends out a “You’re sharing your real-time location with...” email every month if you have location sharing enabled.

News-focused streaming services have not historically worked, as CNN+ failed after just one month in 2022. Carlson’s streaming service also features interviews with right-wing stars like Javier Milei, Andrew Tate, and Donald Trump. One episode of “TC Shorts” on the platform features a drive through South Central LA

Idiots will pay a conman $9/month to yell hateful racist stuff at other hateful racists???

And this is coming from a devout atheist...if there is such a thing hahaha

I’ll give Pope Frank this:  He has certainly done his best to modernize and make relevant The Church.