Rick Cavaretti

I guess the one advantage for open seating on SW was the lack of seating fees. Most flights I try to book basically require you to pay $20+ extra to get a guaranteed window or aisle seats. I guess this historically helped the airlines advertise ‘lower’ prices in price search engines. Now when I search for a flight,

Way to go! Get rid of one of the MAIN reasons why people fly Southwest! I’m sure that will make more people want to fly their airline...

He’s the CEO of a car company who just said he’s not interested in making cars anymore. Maybe he really IS Tony Stark after all! :)

This is further proof that just because you have money doesn’t mean you’re smart. And its also further proof that people are morons and will follow someone they think is a “leader” because they think that being financially successful is all there is to it. Trump and Musk are in the same kind of person. People with

Yeah, and? Diesel fueled cars won Le Mans as well, now all of those car companies are moving away and going full EV.  Take a hint Toyota, we move forward, not backwards.

Hydrogen ICE is, hands down, one of the stupidest wastes of energy. Huge tanks, even with liquified hydrogen, low energy density, dry mix, faster engine wear, and range that could be translated to “From here, to right over there.”

I love ICE, and always will, but even I can’t let the fact that it makes cool engine

Nope, as White Nationalist Motors still can’t address quality control, hence their CyberGarbageTruck. However, GM like Ford has a quantity control program with the UAW and it works. Starting up new models with new technology can be troublesome, hence the buy-backs...

California doesn’t have a rust problem. Most of those inspections were born in northern or eastern states that have corrosion issues, truly creating cars that may snap into two pieces at any moment.

I was a conservative for all of my adult life, but I have slowly become more and more liberal in my viewpoints over the past 8 years. And Donald Trump is one of the main reasons. His rhetoric and actions have laid bare the conservative agenda for what it is. An attempt to change this country into an autocratic,

The most blatant lack of policy ideas was on display when the Republicans were pushing “repeal and replace” of the ACA.  They never put forward any plan to replace it with and therefore never had the votes to repeal it.  I’m all for coming up with a better plan for something but don’t try to repeal an existing one

U.S. companies compete on a global market and it is the world, not just the U.S., that is pushing towards a future heavily based on EV’s.  For the U.S. automotive manufacturers to stay competitive globally it is in their best interest to continually develop EV technology and through volume they can reduce cost.  TLDR;

If you invested that $50k into a S&P index fund back in July 2017 it would be worth over $110k today and you could just go guy a Taycan right now instead!

Have always and will always have love for all things cars, but I totally agree on your point. We need forward thinking and Trump’s mentality takes us back into the dark ages reversing any attempt at future progress in addressing any of the big issues. Frankly, I’m a helluva lot more optimistic with Harris in the race

I know this is a car site but nitpicking specific policies for specific industries treats Trump like an normal politician. We must avoid the trap of normalizing Trump.

Are some of the regulations enabling all these monster truck EVs as an unintended consequence, or is that purely testosterone?

I love cars and internal combustion engines. Unfortunately, the ICE is literally killing us and we need governmental action to help build suitable replacements and supporting infrastructure.

OK, clarification: Donald Trump has no policies or policy ideas. He has vague ideas, mostly bad ones. Like maybe we could expose our guts to the sun to kill covid. He is however surrounded by really dangerous people who have policies, and those people know they can get him to sign off on anything if they just suck up

If we had the aforementioned better driver training, we wouldn’t need to get rid of Right on Red. The danger with it is idiots that seem incapable of actually judging oncoming traffic and/or turning into the correct lane (assuming they’ve looked up from their phone to begin with). RoR is very handy for traffic flow

I already said it before and I gonna say it again, how the hell Rimac can already released and even sells both Nevera and Pininfarina Battista when both revealed prototype at the same year 2018

Nah, Leavenworth until his date with the gallows would be more deserving for the Treasonous Donald Trump. But we should make sure to use the gallows that his MAGA made for Mike Pence but with a golden rope...