Rick Cavaretti

Unless all these happenings relate to a transition to movies, I don’t care much. And seriously, what is it with all the big boobed women being drawn in comics? Someone hanging out at a strip joint too long for artistic inspiration?

With the growing heat issues making the region unlivable and the constant Texas grid fragility, perhaps it’s time to move Mission Control out of there. It was only placed there because of politics.  It’s time to remedy that decision. 

This isn’t really a Civic - Super GT are tube frame cars with a production-like skin over them, similar to NASCAR except they look more like the actual car. Even the Castrol TOM’s Supra everyone loves from Gran Turismo was a tube frame car with a 4-cylinder, with basically nothing in common with the production car.

Unfortunately, I fear you’re right.

Soon enough. The coming food and water riots will make the French Revolution look like a picnic.


Even IF they did say the Dept. of Forestry would do the planting, out of the other side of their mouth they’d be calling for the elimination of the Dept. altogether in much the same way they’ve called for abolishing the Dept. of Education, the EPA, Interior, Energy, etc.

“Did God see the USA coming years ago and put all the good resources in the area for when the USA emerges? Does he do the opposite with countries he doesn’t like?”

That’s exactly the US conservative mindset… the Manifest Destiny is alive and well within the Republican Party…

If the tree planting was actually handled by the Dept. of Forestry or any other entity with responsible government oversight this might be a non-shitty plan... At least in terms of reducing some of the temperature effects of global warming in urban environments.

But no... as with any plan Republicans come up with, the

God has blessed America with resources.

Fuck. These. People.

Remember last month when DeSantis’ team released an anti-LGBTQ attack ad which targeted Trump? The first half of the ad/video was clips of Trump saying “I love and support the LGBTQ community” during the 2016 campaign, intercut with images of him holding pride flags and footage of drag queens saying “Make America

Go ahead, eat each other’s young.  Destroy each other.  The world will be a better place.

I’m looking forward to the forth coming Republican civil wa - er, I mean primary. 

Two morons with enormous egos, near equal pettiness, and fragility that would make an egg blush will be so much fun to watch. I just hope the Ds just step back and let the R circular firing squads do what they will.

Why? The response/conclusion is going to be exactly what we got in recent years*, like from that congressional report everyone was so impatient to hear. It’s going to go something like this (again), “we don’t know what it/they are“. Did anyone receive any satisfaction from that answer?


Reporter: What will you do about Florida’s inflation which is double the nations, immigrant leaving and runaway insurance costs?

Sigh because there are no other pressing matters. 

The ones that made California the world’s 4th largest economy? I’d think most third world states would kill for that honor.